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Rant:Racism On Servers

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Ana_Is_Back's Avatar Ana_Is_Back
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
First off, I would like to apologize for not being active lately. So I'm doing this blog.

OK, so I was on this server that some people told me about. As soon as I got on that server, it was either the

owner, co-owner, or an admin that messaged me and that person asked," Are you German?" So I messaged the

person back saying I was. In less than 5 seconds I was banned. I told my friend, xLoveJayx, about what happened

and she said that's the cruelest server that has ever exist. (in her opinion) I mean why are people racist? Are they

jealous where they came from? Or do they just do it for fun, like the Knockout Game. (for those of you who don't

know what that is, it's where teens come up to random people on the street and punch them for no good reason.) If

you agree with me, leave a diamond. You can also

comment what I should rant about next or similar things that happened to you. This is Ana_Is_Back saying peace


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11/30/2013 7:22 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
poltercreeper's Avatar
hey, they cant be racist if they dont know your race, just dont tell them that kind of stuff
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