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Rant on popular reel [skins]

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bliipyblob's Avatar bliipyblob
Level 46 : Master Blob
Theres already enough of these rants but here's one that I think needs to be heard

Okay so I go on pmc and look at the popular reel for skins there's a list of skins and every time it changes I continue to hear names that are really popular. I come on a week later or whatever when the new skins show up and hey lookie there the exact same person got on 2 weeks in a row.

Now that is what I really hate. Some people get on the reel every week and I'm like COME ON GIVE SOME OTHER PEOPLE A CHANCE, I'm not angry at the people who made the skin, I'm angry at whoever puts them on the real every week. Sure they deserve to get on the reel but not every single f**king skin they make should go on the reel. Everyone knows them and everyone loves them, they're good enough that they don't need to be on the reel to get 100,000 diamonds, sure I'm exaggerating a little but in all seriousness there are people like that.

Not saying that I deserve the reel, but I am saying that there are tones of people who DO but don't get on there. This has been my rant, and good day to you all

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09/30/2012 11:27 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
The popular reel and who is on it is based upon an algorithm which accounts for stats, not who they are. it is entirely automated. One way to make it easier to get on there is to not shoot for it when a big name is on there and their skin isn't 2-3 days old, and to post at a peak time of day, also chat advertising.
09/30/2012 11:33 pm
Level 46 : Master Blob
bliipyblob's Avatar
I know that its not who they are, sorry if I didn't make that clear. I didn't know its automatic, and I didn't say that it was 2-3 days old. But you still do know what I mean I'm guessing.
09/30/2012 11:35 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Palaeos's Avatar
I know, the 2-3 day old comment was more of saying that after about 2-3 days a skin will typically be unable to stay on the reel any longer, but usually by that time they've already got a new one up.
09/30/2012 11:39 pm
Level 46 : Master Blob
bliipyblob's Avatar
Ahh okay, well thanks for letting me know ^^
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