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Q&A // 120 SUB SPECIAL! ~ Catligraphy

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Catligraphy's Avatar Catligraphy
Level 36 : Artisan Sweetheart
First of all,
Thank you so much for 120 Catlilies!! :D I really appreciate all your support!
And now, without further ado, it's time for the long-awaited Q&A!


Q: favourite song?

A: hm... that's really hard...
I really like 400 Lux by Lorde and Guns For Hands by Twenty One Pilots and Are You That Somebody by Aaliyah (Summer Occasion remix)

Q: what are you afraid of?

A: there's lots of things that I'm afraid of, but the main three are mirrors, oceans, and wide open spaces

Q: favourite band?

A: Twenty One Pilots! Haha I'm sure y'all know that by now x)
I've been a fan for a couple years now.
But following close behind is Panic! At The Disco :}

Q: what are you proud of?

A: I guess I'm proud of my realism art, because I've never done it before and my first realism piece turned out pretty gud

Q: favourite vacation?

A: Mexico! I honestly loooveee humid / hot weather, and I get to see my family when I go there!

Q: summer or winter?

A: summer all the way! x}

Q: favourite book / series?

A: gah, this one's hard...
I've been a huge fan of Warriors for around 3-4 years, so I'd say that, but the Inkheart trilogy is also amazingggg
(And Strong Hearts Are Mandatory is good so far too)

Q: Doritos or Cheetos?

A: I'm gonna lose so many subscribers from this but...
I don't like either of them.
I've never really liked junk food or candy, but if I HAD to choose, I'd say Doritos

Q: when did you start to make skins?

A: I started making skins about two years ago, when I made an account on PMC. (Fun fact: I actually discovered PMC three years ago, but I made an account a year later)

Q: what skinners inspire you?

A: dang, this is hard. There are so many amazing skinners out there,, but my main inspirations are oPlanchette and Ambience / Juno

Q: cake or pie?

A: I don't exactly like either one, but if I had to choose, then I'd say pie (bUT I Do LiKe the McDonALdS sTrawBerRy cReAm PiE)

Q: why did you choose the name Catligraphy?

A: Good question, the username actually has a weird backstory:
My friend and I decided to start a whole "business" where we would sell cat bookmarks for money made out of sticky notes (basically a sticky note with a number on it. We are very childish). We needed to name our business so I thought of the word "calligraphy" and then I mixed "cat" with it and got "catligraphy." I actually got pretty attached to the name and decided to change my username to that.


Well, that was it guys! Thank you for submitting questions, I had lots of fun making this!

(Btw, you can still ask questions in the comments of you like ;u;)

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05/21/2018 11:09 pm
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05/22/2018 7:19 pm
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