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Put effort into your mods! [RANT]

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Pestyben's Avatar Pestyben
Level 58 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
This is another rant made by me. So anyways, as a modder, I love to see what the community has made, and boy,
Constantly, I am seeing these same mods over and over again. "More recipes!" "More NPCs!" "Mo ores!" Mo Tools!" Seriously? be original for once in your life. There are TONS of these mods! Don't believe me? Go on the mods section and have a look. The mods I am most Disappointed at are the "Mo NPCs Mod". Even when ONE mob is added, people still love it, and in that lousy description, "These mobs dont do anything, but they will do more in the future. So add diamonds." Sorry to break it to you, but most of the time, Lousy, human mobs that are added just be normal animals in the game. Now, about these human mods. They take absolutely NO EFFORT TO MAKE! the models are already created for them, and so just add that moddel into your mod, slap on a steve skin, call it a steve mod, and be proud of yourself. Now, I wouldn't mind these mods so much if people put more effort into programming them, or creating a unique model, but no. If you see an NPC mod, don't download it unless people put more than an ounce of effort into it. Next up, More recipes. Again, I see a lack of effort. It is BEYOND easy to make these mods. No java knowledge needed. Nuff said. Last, More tools and More Ores. These are just repeats of the same materials, strength, and ores. To all modders, this is what I have to say.
If you see any of these useless mods, please don't click them. No effort, no diamonds.

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06/01/2012 4:14 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Modder
Jt9's Avatar
that's true, but if you want easy diamonds you make an ores mod with one ore and a tool set....
08/07/2012 9:26 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
TeamComp11's Avatar
three letters: I K R. And if you want to make it to level 40 in 10 seconds? Copy and paste TechGuy's mod tutorials and call it a Make-a-Mod mod. Whoop-dee-Doop. You Made a Mod! At least learn JAVA for freaking sake people. I don't know it, but I at least do something BETTER than copy-paste-logo-post. I do Copy-Paste-Edit-Texture-Screenshot-Post. PLUS I do stuff i've seen requests for.
08/07/2012 10:02 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Modder
Jt9's Avatar
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