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Proof that Minecraft is Real

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flyer4life's Avatar flyer4life
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
WARNING: This presentation consists of an hour of strenuous work and research. All premises and conclusions presented are not meant to be taken completely seriously, as severe cases of mind blowing may occur. Reader discretion is advised.

You are about to embark on a journey which will prove that Minecraft is actually real, and not some pixelated sandbox game.

1. Minecraft was released on May 17th, 2009. On this same day in Turkey, there was a claimed UFO sighting in the early morning.

2. If UFO is translated into numbers from the alphabet, we get 21, 6, 15. this gives us another date in day, month, year form: June 21st, 2015.

3. June 21st, 2015 is the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. On this day, the sun set in Stockholm where the Mojang offices are located at 6:39 pm.

4. Another set of numbers that need to be deciphered: 6, 3, and 9. We know that each Minecraft item has a corresponding item ID.

5. In Minecraft the ID 6 is an oak sapling. 3 is dirt. 9 is still water. Hmm... dirt, a sapling, and water are meant to grow a tree. In Minecraft, a fully grown oak tree drops apples.

6. Apple is the popular tech company known for creating the iPhone and iProducts. One key fact about the iPhone is relevant here: it was first released on June 29, 2007.

7. You may be thinking that there are too many dates involved, but history is our most experienced teacher, and in our case, holds the truth.

The reasoning here becomes advanced for most readers to fathom.

8. Between the release date of the iPhone and Minecraft, 1 year, 10 months, and 18 days passed. This is equivalent to 990,720 minutes. This is also equivalent to 491 weekdays and 198 weekend days.

9. If we add the individual digits of 491 and 198, we arrive at 32. If we place this as a decimal value to the number of leftover months between the two dates, we arrive at the value 10.32.

But what does 10.32 mean?

10. After relentless thought, I have arrived at the next step in our reasoning: If we multiply 10.32 by the height limit in Minecraft of 256 blocks, we arrive at 2,641.92.

11. If we divide the total number of minutes (990,720) by the product obtained above, we get the number 375. Back to Minecraft item ID's.

12. 375 is the item ID for spider eyes. Now these are obviously obtained from spiders in Minecraft. However, there is another mob that will drop spider eyes: witches.

13. Back to history: we have learned from our high school education that there were witch trials in American history.

14. Wait, where is this going now? Hmm.. we might be missing something...375 has more meaning than spider eyes...

15. 375 is a number with 3 digits. If we alternate addition and subtraction in order on these digits, we get 3+7-5+3, which equals 8.

16. So 8 was our missing piece, but where does this fit...

17. This gives us the numbers 3,7,5, and 8... wait we forgot about the iPhone..

18. On a phone number pad, numbers equate to letters. 3 can be DEF, 5 is JKL, 7 is PQRS, and 8 is TUV. Hmm...

19. We need to find one letter per number to solve this. From DEF, it must be E because that is the 5th letter in the alphabet and our next number is 5.

20. From JKL, is must be J because 3+7 (from our operation in premise 15) is 10, and J is the tenth letter.

21. We just used the number 10, and our missing piece was 8, giving us a sum of 18. The 18th letter is R.

22. For our last letter, our past reasoning will guide us. 375 contains 3 digits which when in order (357), are separated by 2.

23. Our first location was in Turkey, and its second letter is U. This gives us our 4 letters of E,J,R,U.

24. Wait, huh? Where does this take us? Maybe 375 had nothing to do with it.. we were lead to witch trials and E,J,R,U....

25. Remember, history can be our best guide when we're lost... those famous with trials we mentioned were the Salem witch trials.

26. So it's a word scramble: Salem +E+J+R+U...wait, that spells Jerusalem.

After all of our extensive reasoning, we have arrived at our conclusion. Brace yourselves.

27. We began with the birth of Minecraft on May 17,2009. In the end, we arrive in Jerusalem, which is the capital city of Israel.

SO, Minecraft Israel.

Minecraft Is Real.


Hope you guys enjoyed this fun journey!


*All of these premises originate from my brain, and I promise I'm normal.

**I do not own the cover photo, it is from google images.

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06/30/2016 10:10 am
Level 25 : Expert Toast
Witherwings_'s Avatar
Very creative XD
06/30/2016 7:51 am
Level 44 : Master Taco
Sullyburger's Avatar
Why would you even want to do this blog?
06/29/2016 5:37 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Maloy's Avatar
Also this is a copy of Ryanhiga's joke, 'Illuminati is real' Yes, someone noticed.
06/29/2016 5:36 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Maloy's Avatar
2. If UFO is translated into numbers from the alphabet, we get 21, 6, 15. this gives us another date in day, month, year form: June 21st, 2015.

3. June 21st, 2015 is the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. On this day, the sun set in Stockholm where the Mojang offices are located at 6:39 pm.

Should be one fact.
12/31/2017 1:54 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
You are the reason people cant have fun
06/29/2016 2:52 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
CommandFox's Avatar
Awesome post, loved it! :D
06/28/2016 9:51 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Skitto493's Avatar
Great stuff! This reminded me of that one Nigahiga video.

The Illuminati will be watching.
06/28/2016 4:45 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
Oh God why
06/28/2016 7:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Slime Tamer
flyer4life's Avatar
because you stopped playing and left me lol
07/02/2016 5:38 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
I would never
Planet Minecraft


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