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Project Zearth v15 : Summer 2021 Update

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Picorims's Avatar Picorims
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter

You might have heard from Xoyjaz at the end of 2019 that v14 would be the last version of Project Zearth, after pretty much ten years of existence. It turns out the team had some motivation to continue the project and work on one more version! We have very recently released a video to introduce our goals and plans for Project Zearth v15, and I will go too much in details sum it up here a bit more personally.


So, as I said, Xoyjaz retired from being a mapmaker after releasing Project Zearth v14, and the team more or less learnt it at the same time (although there had been hints in the past). Within weeks, the nostalgia of building this project started to kick in the discussions within the team. Pretty quickly, "v15" started to appear in the discussions, although nobody honestly knew what it would really be. We just wanted to build together again, and it always worked well with Project Zearth.

Thus, in the first part of 2020, we organized ourselves to start a new version. As Xoyjaz was the person leading and coordinating everything with a lot of dedication (like, a lot), we had to readapt all of this to fit everyone’s availability. Honestly, this was not easy at all, there was quite a lot to deal with, and I can't tell how much time we changed the whole thing to make it work. After some months of preparation, a new private server was launched on the 1st of June 2020. Finally! We made the platform (hub of builders with workbenches, and all kind of stuff), and started sketching around.

It has now been more than a year since we launched Project Zearth v15, and a lot was built since. It has not been a breeze, but we still made a lot of progress. It is a right time to let you know what we have done so far and what we plan.

If you are looking for amazing cinematic shots pictures of what we built, I let you watch the video. I personally spent a lot of time on it, so I hope you will like it! Ok now let's go back to our story.


Let’s start with Prixton. Prixton was originally a new city planned for Project Zearth v14. According to the lore book, Xoyjaz even planned it for v12 or v13 at some points. But if I talk about it here, it is that well... it has not been released! The first sketches of Prixton were done in 2016 by Xoyjaz when v14 was just launched. It turns out the idea was scrapped in favor of levelling up the map as a whole (it took 4 years, but it was worth it). So the idea was put on a side, although it is mentionned in the lore of the map. However, in v15 we wanted to add new content to the map. That is when the idea of Prixton came to mind. Nova is pretty empty on the map compared to Neon and Cepton, but at the same time Prixton plays a big role in it... and it doesn't physically exist. So, why not ?

Prixton is the capital of Nova, a modern, dynamic, and powerful economical city with a worldwide influence. It is somewhat to the scale of Zeon, but really focus on bringing the future now. With the tropical environment surrounding the city, greenery is also one of the core parts of Prixton.

Prixton has been the first project to be started on the map, that was pretty quickly after launching the server. The architectural style of this city is the common Project Zearth style. This style, originally inspired from Broville city, consists of framed walls and windows with a flat rooftop (it was particularly noticeable in v13 if you played it, you still can by downloading it on the official website along with much older versions). However, Prixton stands out with the major use of red bricks and sandstone. That is something you can already find in some cities, but it plays a bigger role here. We also wanted the old builds to blend with modernity lore wise, so contemporary architecture is also very common, like most real life capitals. Sometimes, you may even find both mixed together, as if renovation took place.

Being the capital of Nova also makes Prixton an ideal touristic destination. The land is also ideal for it: we could add a big Kloomon like beach, build hotels along it with a nice walk to enjoy, etc. For those who prefer navigating, they can take a tour by the coasts of Prixton by taking a boat at the marina (yup, another city with a marina).

Some other infrastructures are also planned for this city, such as secondary houses and villas, an industrial district on the other side of the delta, or an airport, but those are yet to be built by the team. Building the first districts took a lot of time, plus the time to get into the workflow and settle a building style. Fun fact: we incorporated the Minecraft village that was originally there (old version of villages!). Try to find the well in the video!


Let’s now talk about Santoria. Santoria is a region mentioned in the lore of Project Zearth v14 that doesn’t exist yet in that version. We thought it would also be a good idea to create it, so we started building it last year. It has been a big hassle to set up the lands (Thanks Xoyjaz for helping us deal with that corruption issue in Zeon haha), but it was worth it.

Santoria is a desertic region located to the South of Nova and to the East of Neon and Cepton (map of Project Zearth here for help). This brand new region will feature new cities and towns to explore, as well as new easter eggs and historical builds to discover, as usual. This is a big isolated island that can't be reached by walk. The architecture of this region is marked by ancient traditions as well as colonialism. We really wanted to have a Middle East vibe, and make something that stands out from casual cities in the project. Santoria has also been the home of conflicts that still divide the populations to this day.

The first city started here is Tourmaline, which to this day is already more than half completed! Tourmaline is a small city composed of a structured downtown, a rich gated district, and a more suburban and rural area. It is more labyrinthic than other cities, their is no straight roads there.

While you can still find the traces of common Zearth architecture, we took the opportunity to explore new styles as well. There are some influences of modern architecture (it exists, but here we blend it with desertic style) and middle eastern American architecture (same, a mix of styles). Walking in the streets is one of the best ways to enjoy Tourmaline, it is one of those cities where flying around won't let you trully enjoy it. A must see is probably the open outdoor marketplace full of local products. The city is also advantaged by its oasis located at the center of the city, which provides people in water for the daily life. That is a good way to make a central point where all classes meet together. If you are rich enough and feel like living there, you can buy yourself a house in the recent suburbs (with all the fancy villas you can dream of!). Finally, as a student you can also attend the prestigious theatre arts university.

Another planned town is one that stands by a cliff facing the sea. Its name has not been decided yet, we are still hesitating on it for now. It is something you don't really have in Project Zearth right now, as a lot of cities are built at sea level more or less, so it is quite exciting in some way. This town is inspired by early Southern Californian colonial architecture, as well as Spanish colonial architecture. It is also cozier than Tourmaline, with locations like a small marketplace near the top of the town. One particularity of this town is how much sloped the land is, which make it very interesting to work with. You can have situations where the 1st floor on one side looks like the ground floor on the other side! It also gives ideas for pretty unique easter eggs with the cliff. There is one hid in the video!

On the historical side, we built a fort, which is a great example of the remaining scars of conflicts. It is isolated in the desert right now, so you will have to walk a bit to find it. As it didn’t age very well recently, it is currently under restoration.

Santoria will also have its own shiny city like the other regions of Project Zearth, however it is too early to unveil any information about it. All we can tell you is that it will be called Al-Tamer.

Other plans (wait what ?)

With what has been announced so far, you can expect v15 to not be released in either 2021 or 2022 (it was too beautiful for it to be released soon ;) ). Like Project Zearth v14, this is a very ambitious update: it reinforces Nova content as well as adding Santoria as a brand-new region. As we put a lot of attention into detail, building everything necessarily takes a lot of time. We also need to prepare new lands as we expand outside the current bounds of the project that uses new world generation (maybe some 1.18 lands ? if plugins follow up). However, it doesn’t mean that the existing content won’t receive any updates.

Durekville, which was introduced in v14, may expand a bit on the currently constructed lands. To the West of Kloomon, you can find signs indicating new casinos coming soon into the region (in place of what used to be a medieval town). We may or may not update other parts of the map, but so far it is unlikely that we make any major upgrades, considering the already kilometer long to-do list. However we will make sure that accessing new areas from existing areas will be easy enough for the player, so we will update a bit the public transports as well.


This is pretty much it for the summer 2021 update of Project Zearth v15. We are slowly bringing Prixton and Santoria to like as you read these lines (if you don't come from the future of course). As you can see, while we have been quite calm during the last months, Project Zearth still has some more years to live after existing for almost 11 years (anniversary soon!). If you would like to be more frequently updated about our progress (i.e not every few months), or just have a discussion with us, you can join our Discord Server linked in the description of the YouTube video (please say hi when you join!). If you would like to join the team of builders and contribute Project Zearth, a member application is available as well (it is linked in the Planet Minecraft post of Project Zearth, or go to the official website to get it right away). We hope you enjoyed this video we made, that story and the content we unveiled, and we can’t wait to see you explore Project Zearth v15.

Have a nice day/evening/night/whatever!
~ Picorims on behalf of the Project Zearth team.

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