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Polished Suit Nightly News Installment #1

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StaticNCogs's Avatar StaticNCogs
Level 39 : Artisan Imposter
Polished Suit Nightly News Installment #1
Hello everyone this is the first installment of PSNN. What is PSNN? PSNN is Polished Suit Nightly News made to be like PMC weekly but more memes and a bit of light on the little guys of the website who don't get enough credit.

Our story of tonight is the highly awaited josh fight that happened yesterday where tons of joshes all met up in a field and fought for title of Josh. Our winner was the great Josh who managed to win the fight. Honorable mentions of the fight are Josh, Josh, Josh, and Josh who all fought hard for the dub but lost in the end.

The meme of the week is
Polished Suit Nightly News Installment #1by stlMitch and FishStacks
Datapacks of the week
Immersive bee keeping by Devons_Desk
"This datapack aims to make beekeeping a more in-depth, rewarding experience. It includes custom tools, machinery, crafters, foods, and more!"

Every block you look at disappears
by Nocare_f
"This Datapack is about every block you look at disappears"

Op piglin trading by Awhikax
"This datapack will makes piglins trade OP items: they will give you ores, potions, enchanted books etc...
To merge an enchanted book with another item, simply drop it on an anvil with the item to enchant."

Maps of the week
Sci-Fi Server spawn by SeniorStudios
"Sci-fi themed server spawn built by Senior Team freelancer Colombino"

Zaldia by Teemo16

Palace of Blue and White by GNwork
"Literal translation can be understood as cyan flower or blue flower? can also be understood as cyan/blue and complex patterns. But what it really means is blue and white.
So, Palace of Blue and White, its color is like blue and white porcelain, designed by a member of our team. Base on the structure of Song Dynasty style, and mixed with some small elements and color paintings of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty style. And with the most unique blue and white porcelain color design……It's really beautiful."

Wallpost of the week
The wallpost of this week is this gem.
https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/vonk/wall/post/331223/By vonk

Skins of the week
anonpmc2713049's daddy dearest friday night funkin skin

vonk's Immortality skin
Because I had to add something that had to do with me

AsFlatAsEarth's Half Guardian skin

Now for some great pieces of art made this week by some great artists

Nitgo's Queen Bee Modelhttps://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/queen-bee-model/

chickenpants93's Untitled character

cheyko's name currently unknown piece

That is all for this installment of Polished Suit Nightly News. If you see wallposts, maps, skins, datapacks, mods, etc. that you think should be featured comment them here and they may be added.


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04/26/2021 12:22 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc2713049's Avatar
04/26/2021 12:26 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Imposter
StaticNCogs's Avatar
wait nitgo news was a thing
04/26/2021 12:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc2713049's Avatar
04/26/2021 12:34 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Imposter
StaticNCogs's Avatar
He is from the future he knew PSNN would exist so he ended nitgo news
04/26/2021 2:10 am
She/Her • Level 70 : Legendary Wizard Scribe
cheyko's Avatar
04/25/2021 11:19 pm
Level 47 : Master uwu
AsFlatAsEarth's Avatar
Hello. what. you. I. thanks. also pog.

How did I get here I made that skin half asleep on my tablet. so thank you for including me that is very cool.
04/25/2021 11:48 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Imposter
StaticNCogs's Avatar
np your skins are good you should get the public appearance you deserve
04/26/2021 12:52 am
Level 47 : Master uwu
AsFlatAsEarth's Avatar
thank you! I'm glad you like them.
04/25/2021 5:59 pm
They/Them • Level 31 : Artisan Fisherman Fish
fluffybootz's Avatar
when daddy dearest isnt with mommy dearest 😔 no idc lol

i somehow missed vonk's post i didnt even see that
04/26/2021 12:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc2713049's Avatar
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