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PMC's Dusty Closet

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Aresyl's Avatar Aresyl
Level 26 : Expert Fisherman
Planet Minecraft has been operating for years now and as the site begins to age you can definately find it's older content stuffed into it. 

Recently when browsing, I decided to check servers and noticed the game version tab. I scrolled to the original 1.0 version adn decided to see if any still operated. To my surprise some did. However, only a handful did, the rest were servers that had been last pinged days, weeks, months, and years ago. I actually think it's kind of cool seeing the old servers that haven't been activated in months. Most or offline, and then there a few that are online and just no one cares about :P. 

Anyway, others found in PMC's closet include inactive players. Out of over a million registered players on PMC, only about ten thousand are on at a time. Most members have come and gone with a few that just plain old can't get enough of PMC (you guys know who I'm talking about).

 However, the closet is also filled with junk, and a lot of it. By this I mean the players that had an account created but then posted nothing, didn't do anything to another post, never really was active. I'm talking about the trunck load of level 1 players that are registered to the server but aren't really members because they haven't done anything. Zip. 

Of course there's the forums and old submissions that have been buried, getting deeper everytime something is posted. These submissions have been piling up for over two years now and its kind of history. However, sometimes these things will be updated by formerly inactive owners and then be put back on top of the pile. Although, the forum posts are a different story. Forums are able to be bumped, they can be brought back up even if they're as old as garlic balls. Normally, forum posts sort of die out on their own, whether people lose interest, the original person who started the post goes inactive, or pretty much no one really cares about the topic at hand. 

The entire website is a cycle, a cycle that almost always, ends in the dusty closet.

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07/01/2014 10:25 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
EhhChris's Avatar
Forum posts are actually typically locked if they're posted on after a long period of time. Not sure if there's exceptions to this or not.

Edit: Congrats on pop-reel, and thanks for the idea of looking back on servers with older game versions. Interesting stuff.
07/01/2014 11:37 am
Level 26 : Expert Fisherman
Aresyl's Avatar
Thanks I appreciate it, and we all start somewhere in Minecraft and most of the servers I use to play on are kind of dead now, if not dying. :/
07/01/2014 8:46 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Wizard
Smon's Avatar
No, I'm not going to leave my dusty closet.

... yet.
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