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Coolio_Joe's Avatar Coolio_Joe
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Hello everyone I am Coolio_Joe, recently I have been on the go and wanted to check planetminecraft from my iPod. Do you know how small the screen is and how slow it types? So I am proposing that we, as a community, make a pmc app that updates everyday. If we can i want to make another app just for posting. This will make pmc easier to access and have more people in our community. Now this blog is getting posted from my iPod and I hate how slow it is. Please help me do this and I will help you with your projects. Now what I willneed is a designer of the app because we won't be able to redo the website or it will be to small. I'll need a programmer or what ever you call the person that makes it all work. I'll need some to volunteer to take the post and add them to the app every day, I will help with this if I can. The final thing I need is for you to DIAMOND, FAVORITE AND SUBSCRIBE to make this blog be noticed by everybody. We need to show the community of PMC so that the creators will see this blog and read it and help us because I need them to let me do this. SO DO THOSE THREE THINGS and show as much support as you can cause I mean every word I am saying. This is Coolio_Joe and I hope you take this into consideration because I will love you guys and girls and I will diamond your projects and blogs or what ever you post because you people are my favorite group of friends and the ones that will never be to mean to me and will never get mad at me for being... Me. Also if you would be do kind and help me get the word out maybe broadcast it on you account or if you have a youtube on there. And if you people are those haters that think I am doing this for views you should go to a different blog you wont hate. If you read this far please tell all your friends to check it out and support me to make me get the permission to make this app Love You PMC Community, Coolio_Joe

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Coolio_Joe 01/31/2013 9:38:44 pmJan 31st, 2013

Added a pic

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01/15/2013 11:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tomster12345's Avatar
I will be your Youtube buddy.
Please join my server.
We can do lots of things on youtube
01/16/2013 7:57 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Coolio_Joe's Avatar
Do you have skype
01/14/2013 9:36 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Coolio_Joe's Avatar
And to make sure you people now how devoted I am I won't even diamond my own project
Planet Minecraft


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