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Please save Chinese players!!

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somebody_'s Avatar somebody_
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Long time ago(maybe several months?), Chinese company NetEase agent minecraft in china zone.

This is a good new at first time we know it, at the begining, Netease suppress another minecraft platform by the reason of tort.

Yeah,I am a chinese player. And as time elapse, I found things didnt as good as I think. First thing is Netease tort forge, they change the code in the forge without authorization to ban the way to add mods, new maps, new textures and new skins by ourselfs. Didnt allow players to add server and new worlds in the game by theresleves(we even can not find the start page). If we want to add, we only can add new world from Netease launcher, and we can only play several server in the netease launcher.
They use some kind of method to shield any words related forge on the several big BBS in china. Such as delete the post, change the forge posted in the title to *****, and ban the user who posted it.

Then, they add a currency in the laucher(now is free),we can only use it to buy new mods. If we want to create server on netease we can use this kind of currency and set up a server.

And the picture is the original. My english is poor I cant translate them.

And I am afraid of what if one day they didnt allow us to create the server by oursleves.......

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08/31/2017 3:48 am
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Cib's Avatar
This is outrageous! You need to contact Mojang and tell them!
09/01/2017 9:24 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
somebody_'s Avatar
thank you to tell me this
08/30/2017 2:33 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
VotMaf's Avatar
08/29/2017 11:10 am
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
IndyJacksonTT's Avatar
Well, if they charge you to pay for mods then you can report them!
Minecraft doesn't allow people to charge for mods!
09/01/2017 9:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
somebody_'s Avatar
thank you very much to tell me this
08/29/2017 4:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mrkwtkr's Avatar
As far as I known, their Launcher allows player to load local save. It seems that they are still in test stage, so it's not wierd that there are few server.
When talk about making profit from mods or other kinds of UGC, most of the mods you download from Internet are free, but their makers also get income from your downloads. (website has AD)

As a player, if you love the game, why not stand out and solve the problem? If everyone call for help or save, the problem will never be solved :P
09/01/2017 9:24 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
somebody_'s Avatar
thank you to tell me, but I dont know how to solve, and I am very sure we cannot arrive original page(which has multiplayer game and single game), we can only create new map on their launcher by download a new client for each map or each server.
I tried, if I want to go back to main page by ESC it will close the game directly.
08/28/2017 12:47 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
somebody_'s Avatar
my picture is die......
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