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Planet Minecraft Livestream app

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ajdog0106's Avatar ajdog0106
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Dear fellow staff of PMC i want to inform you that my brother would like his twitch tv to be put into the minecraft channels
Twitch Link: www.twitch.tv/tylerjamesjohnsonhq
Bio: He loves playing tekkit on a small public tekkit server he also is a very enjoyable person he usually plays music from pandora while he plays. Also he has a plan that if he gets 50$ in donations from 1 or more people that he will donate 25$ to Cancer Reasearch and the other half will be used for friendly giveaways for MCPVP kits and other items though he might have lag issues it is beacause me and him use the same wifi so there may be issues at time but over all he is worthy of having a channel.

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