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Planet Minecraft Interviews YokaiS!

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PMC's Avatar PMC
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview is with YokaiS conducted by Silabear on behalf and in collaboration with PMC.
Want to nominate a member to be interviewed? Visit this thread!

Where did you first hear about Minecraft and why did you start playing it?

It first started with me watching DanTDM doing fun little Minecraft maps and roleplay. At the time I was in 3rd grade, and I convinced my mom that Minecraft is an educational game because I was afraid she wouldn't get it if it wasn't. It was pocket edition for a while until I said I want Java edition later that year! The first skin I made was a depiction of myself wearing my Mountain High jacket and jogging pants.

What or who inspired you to become a part of the datapacking community and to make your own datapacks?

I've always been into the technical side of Minecraft; I made a lot of buildings set up with a bunch of command blocks like a map since 1.11. But ultimately, the very first person that got me into DATAPACKS was the great CommandGeek. He was a pretty active youtuber at the time and the idea of making the game more than it's meant to be has fascinated me. I started helping people out on his Discord server with commands and he recognized me, which motivated me even more! Eventually I was determined to switch from commands to datapacks because it's more convenient.

What’s your favourite thing about creating datapacks and sharing them with the community?

What I love about showing my creations in general is the feeling you get when you know someone out there is taking a look and going "that's pretty cool!" I kept making datapacks for a while because it was an entertaining way to tell stories. And I was very lucky to be recognized by a lot of people for my stuff! There's also been so many awesome people I got to meet in the technical community, and I learned so much from them.

If you could add one thing to Minecraft, what would it be?

MORE BIRDS! Would love to see big birds like ostriches or peahen roaming around, maybe some that interact with water like a kingfisher. and actually flying birds (cough parrot COUGH)

It looks like you enjoy doing 3D models and animations. How did you learn to make models/animations? What tips do you have for people who want to make them?

Long story short, it was elementary school when I watched my dad use his wallet for a simple stop-motion animation, and I was so amazed by it. So I started doing stop-motion stuff myself with legos and uploaded them to my Youtube channel. Soon I got into 3D animation with Blender, and I made a bunch of renders just to give to my friends! I stopped for a while but when I started datapacks, I found this lovely app that I still use today: Blockbench. I could make my own Minecraft-style things come to life!! Then in recent years I practiced more and more of modeling and animation, and now I started taking commissions.
For those that want to do this kind of art, just try it! It can always take a bit to get the hang of it, but if you really love doing it, eventually you'll get into the rhythm and get better and better. And ask communities for help when you need it!

On your portfolio, you say that you’re a member of a robotics team. What’s it like to work in a robotics team with others? Can you share something that you’ve made as part of that?

hehe, it's a lot to take in when you're in a club that's supposed to make a functional robot in 6 weeks. As of now I am currently in my third year in robotics and I'm happy to say I've learned a lot along the way. I learned to use all kinds of power tools, and play around with all kinds of sensors and learned some Java! I also got to make a submission for an animation award, and last season we got 3rd place!!! Check out the animation here if you'd like!
I believe I really developed as a person along the way as well; there's all kinds of people to work with, some easier to work with than others. And that's how work is, so learning to manage that is pretty cool! I've had a lot of stresses along the way but in the end robotics has a special place in my heart.

Here's a picture of the robot we built last season!
Planet Minecraft Interviews YokaiS!

What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn to code (especially Minecraft datapacks) or get into STEM in general?

Don't give up on something because it "looks hard" or you think it's out of your capabilities, because if it's something you genuinely want to do, you will get there. There's all kinds of communities that are on the same boat and would love to help you out! Specifically for datapacking, there's discord servers like Datapack Hub, Minecraft Commands etc.

If you want to practice your skills with datapacking, participate in DATAPACK JAM!!! It tests your creativity and it's great motivation too!

Who do you look up to? How have they influenced what you do?

A few people I can list in different categories. My mom is a great motivation for a lot of things and she works so hard every day and I love her. I also look up to my crush, who has supported me mentally throughout the darkest times I had with hugs and reassurance. My CELEBRITY crush, Markiplier, is such a creative guy and I wish to do the stuff he does.

Where do you get inspiration for your projects from?

A lot of them just randomly get jammed into my head. The Bloodluster started with a simple thought of mine going "hey it'd be cool if some monster could eat the player", and look at what it has become! A few are inspired by some given themes; Critters of Spring and Gourdbots were for the seasonal contests. Souls of the Captured was heavily inspired by the soul system from Minecraft Dungeons.

How has your time creating datapacks affected or benefited what you do outside of Minecraft?

The biggest thing is that making datapacks got me really interested in game development. Once I graduate high school I'm hoping to major in Computer Science and make some indie games as a hobby for people to play!
If I didn't make a bunch of datapacks, I don't think I would be doing any sort of art like 3D modeling or animation today, so I'm very happy!

What other hobbies do you have?

I do some other art things, like drawing and 3D printing! My printer is a Bambu P1P, highly recommend it!!

here's a little drawing I made recently!
Planet Minecraft Interviews YokaiS!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What about in 30 years?

10 years, I would have graduated college by then. I would live with my significant other in a quiet suburban area. I would be a full-time software engineer or or a computer graphics guy. My hobby would remain as animation and game dev.


What’s the origin story behind the username YokaiS?

So I got my mom to buy my brand new Java edition account. The website asks me to enter a username, and I didn't think anything about a username! So I just thought of something random on the spot. I watched the show "Yokai Watch" back then, and my name starts with an S. YokaiS, genius!! It's a weird name I admit, but it's a name I haven't been able to let go for 6 years.

Do you play any other games apart from Minecraft? If so, what are they?

Currently I play Dislyte. I only got it cause Markiplier was added and I thought he'd be playable. He's not playable, but the game still trapped me. Dammit.

I see that you started game development a while back. Have you made any other games? Do you want to start making games professionally in the future?

There's one game I made with a friend of mine for a school project. It was a simple platformer game but we were proud of it! I think game dev is going to remain a hobby for me, but I could sell them so maybe!

Describe yourself in 3 words :D

loyal. creative. confused.

Anything else you want to add?

This site has offered me so much throughout the years; PMC was the main place I shared all my creations, and I met so many great people. I couldn't be more grateful for a lovely community and I'm hoping to stay in touch with everyone here. love ya <3 Thanks for this opportunity!!

anyway shameless promotion hehaehehm
my portfolio

yokai out

Planet Minecraft Interviews YokaiS!

This interview was with YokaiS conducted by Silabear on behalf and in collaboration with PMC.
Want to nominate a member to be interviewed? Visit this thread!
CreditSilabear conducted this interview on behalf of PMC

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09/08/2023 4:38 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
It's nice to see interviews make come back 👍
09/08/2023 2:56 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wizard
Flyrr's Avatar
can't wait for datapack jam #240
09/08/2023 2:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider Warrior
PulseBlockGamer's Avatar
How do we get into an interview? Do we need to be nominated or can we somehow apply? Silabear
09/08/2023 2:51 pm
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
you gotta be nominated :)
09/08/2023 9:29 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider Warrior
PulseBlockGamer's Avatar
09/08/2023 4:37 pm
He/Him • Level 70 : Legendary Vampire Dragon
ShinyDragon96's Avatar
Where? 👀
09/09/2023 3:51 am
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
Panda Gocarts3
09/08/2023 2:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pyro
Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
Wow, it would be so awsome to be in one of these!
Shift Stardust
09/08/2023 2:06 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Loremaster Warrior
Shift Stardust's Avatar
you probably wont read this but i hope your talk go well
you made a paradise so a 5 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
im on pc i forgot thr emoji option existed
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