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Planet Minecraft Interviews StingProductions

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Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was our seventh PMC Weekly Interview, featured in Volume 68! In this volume, we interviewed Ray_Savage! You may know him as the Minecraft Movie guy; we've featured a couple of his full-length films on movie night! At our most recent movie night, we played My Undead City; the first in a 3 part series (we can't wait to see the other two!). If you poke around on Sting's profile, you'll find that he dabbles in several different things. He shares his secrets to success, how he manages his time, and how he stays focused!

How did your Minecraft experience begin?
My brother introduced it to me when 1.5.2 was the latest version. Of course, I easily got hooked.

Do you still play Minecraft?
Not near as much (though the PMC server has got me back to playing again lately, lol!). Don’t get me wrong, is not that Minecraft isn’t interesting to play anymore, it’s just that ever since I started making machinimas, well, machinimas I find 10 times more fun than just playing. I would even tell other people that they’d have a much more elevated Minecraft experience if they got into making machinimas.

What inspired you to start making Animated Minecraft Movies?
Pure coincidence, and I didn’t even have YouTube in mind. One day I just thought, “hey, wouldn’t it be cool to film a story using Minecraft?” So I did my “What Happens When You Touch a Pufferfish” vid. Pretty terrible, but it’s what got me started. I only really wanted to see if I could do it. I hadn’t even seen a Minecraft machinima before. Then I thought, “hey, I’d like to make more, but . . . I’d like to share them too.” I already had an account at YouTube, and long ago I did some slideshow vids just goofing off. That’s when I thought I ought to actually start sharing my Minecraft vids on YouTube.

How did you grow your YouTube following?
Honestly, I found the best policy was to not even think about trying to get big or popular, and least of all be selfish. I did YouTube just to have fun making vids. That way I never got burned out or discouraged. For me, making a movie is like building in creative mode. Just lots of fun to create! In that way, I sometimes couldn’t stop! It was just so much fun! Well, the YouTube following came naturally as I just kept enjoying making vids. If I had advice to someone starting a Minecraft channel, I’d say, “don’t even think about the numbers. Think of your vids as building in creative mode. Just enjoy the journey and creating.”

How do you come up with the concepts for your movies?
Just randomly I suppose. A whole movie concept can start in just a few seconds, like with the Cyprezz movie I made. I made a Cyprezz skin once for a contest (and luckily I’ve gotten better at skins since then) and thought, “gosh, that’d make for a cool movie!” So, I wrote a 20 page script, made the sets and skins, then started filming. With ‘A Christmas Carol’, I just wanted to do it because I’ve always liked the story.

Do you work at multiple movies at once, or focus on one at a time?
Both, actually! Sometimes one, sometimes multiple! The one cool thing about doing multiple, is if I feel more like working on one film than another, then I can! Lately, however, I’ve been only working on one at a time. ‘Wolfsbane’ is next; it will have a Sherlock Holmes sort of vibe.

Which movie of yours are you most proud of? Which short animation are you most proud of?
Full length movie, definitely Cyprezz, then A Christmas Carol! Short, gosh, this is a hard question! I’ve done almost 400 machinimas now; I’d have to make a short list: 1. POW (Pigs of War), 2. Life of a Time Traveling Dog, 3. Prehistoric Beast, 4. The Research Station, 5. The Energy Nebula (Star Trek).

You have a few other Youtube channels. One is dedicated to Music and Sound Effects. Did you go to school or have any formal training in regards to video editing, music and/or sound effects? Do you have a favorite song or sound effect you've personally created?
My schooling is in business. I’ve had no education whatsoever related to what I’m doing with my channels. I just started them because I’m just enjoying it. But I also enjoy business, though I’m kind of young so I don’t yet know what I’ll do in business. For now I’m just working at a warehouse! Lol, I’ll move up to a better job sometime! My favorite song? Probably ‘Passage of Mirkwood’. Though, if you listen to my music, right away you’ll be able to tell I’m terrible! Lol, I don’t care! I’m just enjoying it! If one tune comes out that just happens to even be somewhat good, it just makes it that much more fun! The sound effects I just started posting because I like making my own. Then someone wanted them, so I decided to start sharing some of them for others to enjoy.

You’ve published a book as well as made a card game. What inspired you to write your book, Miquoya: Taint?
This is an interesting sector and one that I really want to get into a lot more (books). I don’t really expect to make tons of money, I just enjoy it and want to do it! My first book I wrote, actually, was another book called “Eykor”, it’s almost 200,000 words long. I started when I had a strange dream one night—even stranger, the dream was super long. Can’t remember even having a dream last that long. Well, one day someone very close to me mentioned some issues writing their novel. I said, “I have an idea that just came to mind that might work!” So, I took my dream (for fun) and made an outline; just started it to show them, mind you! Well, I started writing, then almost 200,000 words later it was written! What surprised me is how easy it was to write in this new way. Well, I currently want to publish that book traditionally so that’s why it isn’t out yet, but then I wanted to write a shorter book just to gain experience in self publishing. I even chose a topic that did not interest me—on purpose! I wanted to see if I could write a book in that genre and still enjoy it and make it enjoyable to read as well! For me personally, it was a huge success! Lol, even though it’s about unicorns I loved writing it and love the story! Well, now I have outlines for two Minecraft books I’m writing (if anyone wants to know the legalities about writing Minecraft novels, just ask! I know the ins and outs!). For now, my first book can be purchased in ebook and paperback, but for all ebooks that I will publish, if you become my patreon supporter you will get access to all my ebooks for free. Not much now, since I only have one, but I hope to publish a lot more books.

Miquoya Book Cover.png

How did you come up with your card game, Savage Beasts?
I was watching TV with someone and was also playing a battle-tank game on a notebook—you know, where everyone draws 5 tanks on the paper, then you do paper-rock-scissors to see who gets to shoot, then draw a tank destroying another tank, etc! Well, I thought, “gosh, sometimes we take so much time to draw cool tanks, but then they’re gone and we can’t use them again. I’d like to draw something only once and use it in a game forever.” So, I made my TCG game.

Are you planning on making any more card games?
Not planning, but there’s always the possibility. I’m enjoying writing books and making Minecraft movies so much that I just haven’t the time for new TCGs

.Both your book and your game were published in 2019. That’s quite an accomplishment! How did you manage your time?
When you’re addicted to something, sometimes it’s hard to not do it! Honestly, it’s hard to get myself to stop sometimes. I wonder if it’s bad that I enjoy it so much . . .

We see you’re in the process of writing two unofficial Minecraft books. When do you expect to release those? What literary genre are they?
Hope to release both soon, but certainly before the end of next year (I’d like to publish ‘The Minotaur of Yograne’ this year). Both are fantasy. My favorite genres are Fantasy and SciFi.

Your website indicates you’re involved in several side projects. Tell us more! Is there anything that you’re working on right now that’s not on your website?
Not really. My novels and other channels are mostly my side projects. Other things I work on slowly are Minecraft maps, Minecraft sky texture packs, and hopefully some merchandise sometime.

Which creative hobby do you enjoy the most (making movies, writing books, composing music, etc..)
Making full length movies, hands down! It’s funny, because my full length movies actually make me the least money, but I do them anyway! They’re just too much fun! But lol, I still enjoy the other things! Writing books is fun!

Where do you find the energy and time to work on all of these projects?!
Lol, like I said, I’m addicted! So hard to stop! Also, I was raised by parents who were both farmers, so I’ve had to learn how to work hard. Funny though, I also had little involvement with technology early on. Yeah, I know how to use the internet, make movies for YouTube, and do lots of computer stuff, etc. But don’t even ask me about a smart phone. I wouldn’t know how to turn one on. My current phone (and my first) is a QWERTY phone that I’ve had for 10 years and it’s still working—and that’s just fine for me! I think that might have an effect on my time and energy. Since I don’t have a lot of the current technology people are so fond of, I’m not distracted by them so much either—really frees up time!

How do you stay focused when you're working on multiple things at once?
In the same way you stay focused when you’re playing different video games. You’re only thinking about the one you’re playing, and it’s easy because it’s fun. For me, I actually don’t really play video games anymore. My projects are my video games; they’re so much more fulfilling! And that’s easy to stay focused on!

Is there any new skill that you’ve been wanting to try, but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Wish I was better at programming. I’d like to make more Minecraft mods. I’ve only made one real one so far, but it’d be nice to make better ones using better programming skills.

What are your ultimate goals with everything you’re working on?
My ultimate goal is still to just have fun doing what I’m already doing, it always has! However, I do slowly make more and more money from this stuff. Would be fun to do it full time! But honestly, if this stuff by some rare chance makes tons of money for me to live off of, then what I’d really want to do is re-invest that money and start a business.

How did you choose your PMC Username?
It was my YouTube channel name. I just needed a name for my channel, but I didn’t have one in mind. But one of my school friends one day gave us all superhero names based on our names (I go by Ray Savage). He called me ‘StingRay.’ So, I chose Stingray Productions. Though it’s now too late to rebrand, I probably might have chosen a different name if I knew then what I know now. I think I give the false impression that my channel is a team of people. It’s not, it’s just me wearing many hats and loving it to death.

What PMC submission are you most proud of? Why?
I think my Orion Nebula sky texture pack, because it’s the highest definition pack I made, and it looks so cool!

Planet Minecraft Interviews StingProductions

What do you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?

Lol, that it’s the best and funnest Minecraft website out there! I’m dead serious about that. Having been involved with different Minecraft websites and communities, Planetminecraft tops them all. I don’t even go anywhere else anymore really. Planetminecraft fulfills all of my needs. The community, the projects, and tools, and even the xp! What a cool idea!

Do you have any goals on the site (subscriber goal, perhaps win a contest, etc)?
None except to have fun! Gaining xp is fun, but I never had the intent to get big. Honestly, lvl 75 for me is kind of shocking, I never knew it would happen to me! But yeah, I just want to have fun on it! And I actually don’t have any desire to win contests. I actually would prefer not to win and let someone else win whom it would mean more to. I simply enter contests because I want to be a part.

Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to? Who/Why?
For me my involvement with other members was to have friends and not to try and be like someone else. I like being original and being myself. Though I gotta say, lately I’ve just been so impressed with Captain_JEK that my mouth drops! Did you ever know anyone to come up with unique builds so consistently? Just amazing!

Do you have any pets?
No pets! Nothing against them, but it’s nice to not have to clean up after them.

Describe yourself in 3 words!
Happy, calm, relaxed.

Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?
Maybe two things for PMC new members, or even new YouTubers. One, never make the numbers your goal. Two, learn to enjoy being nice and honest. You’d be surprised how high you can achieve just from being nice and honest!

Anything you'd like to add?
Just that I love making movies and being a part of PMC! I think all Minecraft people should have an account on PMC! It’s just way too cool!

Be sure to Subscribe to Ray_Savage on Youtube where he posts Minecraft Movie Shorts, Machinimas, Full Length movies and more!

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TruSmaGo Skinner
01/12/2021 2:21 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
TruSmaGo Skinner's Avatar
Thia ia so COOL!!!
01/10/2021 4:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mario1020's Avatar
This Is so cool
01/08/2021 3:43 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Pokemon
Shireen's Avatar
Great interview!

It's always great to do things and be creative because you it and not because you want something out of it (oney or fame). It's even better when you get to share those creations with people and they appreciate it.

Good for you Ray_Savage!
01/08/2021 9:48 am
She/They • Level 50 : Grandmaster Procrastinator Artist
-Wolfix-'s Avatar
he really is a "legendary architect"

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