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Planet Minecraft Interviews FishStacks

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Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was featured in The PMC Weekly Volume 112! In this volume, we interviewed FishStacks!

Fishstacks was recommended by several PMCers over on
this thread. FishStacks has been a member of Planet Minecraft for a little over a year and remains a very active member in the community. They've given nearly 15,000 diamonds, made just over 4,300 wall posts, and has made several quality contributions to the community. It's almost hard to believe they've bee here for only a year based off of their activity! Here are a few of our favorite submissions from them, but be sure to check out all of their submissions because there are so many good ones!

Singularity | Contest Entry Minecraft SkinSingularity
Planet Minecraft Interviews FishStacksPlushies
Pigfoot Minecraft SkinPigfoot

Tell us how you chose your PMC name, FishStacks!

I choose my pmc name as sort of a pun on fishsticks and minecraft stacks, and also because i think pufferfish are incredibly funny creatures

What does your typical creative process look like?

My typical creative process is opening an editor (depending on what I'm making, so blockbench, the pmc skin editor, aseprite or paint.net,), sitting there staring at it, melting into an indistinguishable puddle, search social media for an hour, and then just start placing random colors. Not particularly helpful, but ey its honest.

Was there a defining moment when you knew that you had a passion for Minecraft-based content, or is the content you submit on the site just stem from a base passion (programming, pixel art, design, etc.)

Honestly I've liked making Minecraft content for a while now but didn't really post anything for years. I originally started making Minecraft skins on some mobile app that I've forgotten the name of.

What does your dream job look like? Would it be doing MC content full time or do you have other aspirations?

Honestly I'm not sure what my dream job would be yet, but I do eventually hope opening up commissions for Minecraft and pixel art content once I can organize my life a bit better.

Where did you learn pixel art? Skinning?

I said it earlier, but I started skinning in about 2016 or so. I got into pixel art itself in between 2018-2019 on this website called Piskel, which I would use pretty frequently.

What inspired you to create your own texture pack? Do you use it?

Honestly I got inspired to make my own pack just by the sight of seeing so many people making such cool packs, so I decided I wanted to do it myself. And yes, I do use my own pack, I know some artists can't stand using their own work in game sometimes, but I usually just end up changing stuff whenever I don't like it lol.

woods and other blocks

If you could add a mob to Minecraft, what would it be? Would it be passive or hostile?

Oooo this ones an interesting question, I have quite a few ideas. Honestly, I think a passive mystical creature for the overworld would be cool. One of the reasons I like striders so much is that you get a passive mob that has actual uses, which I think the overworld could use a few. We get parrots, pandas, foxes, which are all real animals and don't have much use (don't get me wrong, I love the additions, just wish they were a bit less just for looks). I think something for deserts or mesas would be cool, though I'm not sure what they would do yet.. might be time to make a new mob concept :)
Which submission of yours is your favorite?

Besides my texture pack StackPack, I think my favorite submission is my Warped Corpse skin. It was pretty fun to make and I'm really proud of the colors, and I've
made multiple pixel arts of it. (I even used the colors from it for
warped forests in my textute pack, lol)

Warped Corpse Minecraft Skin

Out of all of the contests you’ve participated in, which one has been your favorite?

I believe my favorite official contest was the biome swap mob contest. I'm pretty proud of my submission (I made piglins into bigfoot-like creatures), and for the most part there was a lot of creativity and cool concepts I saw.

You’ve hosted a few skin contests - are you planning on hosting more in the future?

Yes! I've been planning to host another of my own contests for a while, and hoping for some interesting inspiration for a Halloween contest (maybe its already out by the time this interview is out!). Been trying to think of an original twist for the contest first though.

Which PMC Pet is your favorite?

Either wibbit or bumbee, I love the looks of them and the little animations they have is adorab- OH WAIT I FORGOT SPECK. speck is my favorite pmc pet.

During our 10 year anniversary you entered our raffle and won a t-shirt signed by Cyprezz. Do you ever wear it? Is it as cool as you hoped it would be?

Yeah, I wear it pretty often, its really nice! Really cool shirt and also that fancy badge I got on my trophy case :)

Do you play any other video games?

Yes, I play a few different games besides Minecraft, only recently started playing more than like 2 games lol. I play Apex Legends, Splitgate, Doom Eternal, Roblox, and occasionally Halo and Smash Bros.

What other hobbies do you have?

My main hobby besides creating stuff that I post online is drawing, but I'm... not very good at it.

Favorite meme of all time?

Oh favorite meme, mmmm that's a hard choice. Very hard choice. I'm gonna say those edits of sad cats, they're pretty funny.

Anything you’d like to add?

i have one last piece of information:

one of my cats

One of your cats?! How many cats do you have and what are their names?!

I have 5 cats in total, their names are Beasus, Preston, Noah, Artemis, and Ramona, and We also have a bearded dragon named Crater and a fish named Echo! (Preston is the one pictured above)

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09/30/2022 9:03 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar

could you interview me?
08/01/2022 2:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KaylaHarris's Avatar
I saw a cat and immediately remembered the case when a client approached me with the Need A Loan! to buy a cat of a similar breed! Like, he really liked the cat in the pet store, but unfortunately there was no money to buy it! We helped him in this matter!
04/08/2022 5:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
flamesoffire's Avatar
i have 2 suger and tiger LOL!
Rai star
03/23/2022 10:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rai star's Avatar
Hi baby how are you
03/15/2022 12:12 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Goblin
HawkFlame's Avatar
hey! I have a suggestion on someone you could do next! I know this probably won't get chosen, but can you do corncobdog? (If you haven't already) she's an aka amazing artist!
03/14/2022 8:45 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
Cirno's Avatar
Hes too powerful!
03/14/2022 5:30 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
03/14/2022 11:48 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
qerzy's Avatar
dont cats eat birds O_O
03/15/2022 9:18 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
Usually yes, but I have the power of Garfield and the IRS on my side
03/13/2022 4:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
N0t_Jim's Avatar
https://youtu.be/oHg5SJYRHA0 this is the link to my texture pack
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