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Planet Minecraft Interviews Eastonium

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Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was our eleventh PMC Weekly Interview, featured in Volume 81! In this weekly, we interviewed Eastonium! Eastonium has been a member of Planet Minecraft for nearly 10 years! Over the course of almost a decade, they've submitted a total of 107 submissions spread through different categories. You'll also notice that nearly all of their submissions have impressive stats with over 100,000 views and 30K + downloads on some of their more popular submissions. They're still an active member even after all of these years and we just had to know more about them!

Minecraft/Personalized Questions
How did your Minecraft experience begin?

Like most, it started with a friend telling me about this cool sandbox game called Minecraft. That was back in Beta 1.1… and it hooked me instantly. Haven’t stopped playing yet.

Do you still play Minecraft for fun (outside of creating data packs, etc)?

Sometimes. I find creating datapacks to be fun… but don’t have much free time to actually play the game. Every couple of weeks I might play a bit of survival though for fun.

Most of your submissions are data packs. Tell us how you got into making data packs and what you enjoy most about them!

I got into datapack making due to map-making. At first, it was simple stuff using command blocks, but it slowly grew from there. My quite popular map Zelda Battle Arena was the first really big project I made with command blocks, which I eventually converted into functions… which became my first 5 or so datapacks.

You have several “WASD” Packs. Can you explain what “WASD means? Out of all of your WASD packs, which are you most proud of and why?

The WASD Build Team is the name of my build team that I used to lead. I make all of my YouTube videos under that name, so the name just makes sense for that series of packs.

As for most proud of datapack, that would have to be Moar Swords. The sheer scale of it… adding 51 (and counting) new unique swords to the game is something to be proud of, even if it isn’t my most complicated work.
Planet Minecraft Interviews Eastonium

One of your most popular submissions is your Kirby Enemy Mod that indicates that it’s only 20% completed; after all of these years of being untouched, do you have any plans to revisit this mod and complete it?

Yeah, so this is where we get to an interesting note. Due to this Planet Minecraft account being a team at one point in time, we had multiple members. Eastonium (who the account is named after) made all the mods and doesn’t currently have any plans to continue them.

Looking through your submissions, it seems almost all get a fair amount of views, downloads and comments. How do you promote your work? What else do you think attributes to the success of your submissions?

Multiple factors definitely add to the success that the content gets on PMC. A big one is simply having high-quality thumbnails for the posts. If the picture “sells” the content well, then people are more likely to actually view it.

Another big thing that has helped my datapacks is not being too creative. That might sound dumb… but because I add things like new swords or pickaxes… people already know what those are and are more likely to be willing to download it.

….Alright, so after searching through your YouTube we discovered that you’re a full-time core developer to Logdotzip. How cool! Tell us how that happened, how you’re enjoying it, and what sort of things you do as a developer for logdotzip!

Well, they found my datapacks on Reddit, specifically the working BOTW Guardian. It was a very complex entity to code, so they reached out and offered me a part-time job. Long story short, as I kept working with them it became more and more serious and now it is a full-time job.

As for what I do, I oversee the production of videos as well as make some of the datapacks that we use in our videos across the multiple channels.

Do you know any programming languages and if so, which ones?

I don’t know any programming languages and haven’t taken a single computer science/programming class, but I am currently teaching myself Javascript to better be able to make datapacks.

Are you working on any Minecraft projects?

Yeah, I’m always working on Minecraft projects… unless you meant builds/worlds.

How has Minecraft influenced or changed you in real life?

Minecraft has completely changed my life trajectory. I dropped out of college to pursue a job in Minecraft, and hopefully, it continues to be the path forward.

PMC Questions
How did you choose your PMC Username? What inspired your PFP?

The Username is my name… if it was an ore. And the Profile Picture is the most popular skin that is on my profile.

What PMC submission are you most proud of? Why?

Zelda Battle Arena - It is a massive project I put almost a year's work into. Got me into datapack making and overall is decently polished and balanced. Good builds, datapacks, textures, and models… a complete package.

Moar Swords - 18th most download datapack on PMC. According to my website, it has gotten 130,000 downloads, which is definitely something to be proud of.

Zelda Clawshot - The code behind this one was really cool and it visually is probably the best datapack I’ve made. It is a bit buggy… but overall very proud of this one.

Moar Pearls - Moar Pearls has some really creative ender pearls that all work pretty much perfectly. A very polished and clean pack, with some clever code behind it.

Planet Minecraft Interviews EastoniumPlanet Minecraft Interviews Eastonium

What do you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?

Planet Minecraft probably does the best job of sorting the content on the website in a way that makes it easy to find good work by the amazing people that post here… Except for the datapacks section that mostly has single recipes “datapacks”.

Do you have any goals on the site (subscriber goal, perhaps win a contest, host another contest etc)?

Getting Moar Swords into the top 10 most downloaded datapacks on PMC would be pretty cool. Besides that, I’m not particularly interested in subscribers on PMC.

Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to? Who/Why?

I can’t say I’ve interacted with many people on PMC

You’ve been on the site for a long time. In fact, you’re approaching your 10 year PMC anniversary. Congratulations and thank you for being a dedicated, long time member! During your time here, there have been several changes and updates. What has been your favorite update?

The addition of emeralds for people’s comments has been a pretty nice update.

Fun Questions
What genre of music is your favorite? Do you listen to music while you’re creating in Minecraft?

Yeah, music is very important when creating datapacks. I don’t really have a specific genre of music that is my favorite. I mostly listen to covers of songs by people like Kurt Hugo Schneider and other YouTube musicians.

Describe yourself in 3 words!

Dedicated, Nerd, Honest.

Do you have any pets?


Are there any hobbies outside of Minecraft that you have?

I’m a boring person that doesn’t have time for Non-Minecraft hobbies :P

Is there any new skill that you’ve been wanting to try, but haven’t had the chance to yet?

Generally, when there is a new skill I want or need to learn, I just go and learn it… That said I would like to get better at Javascript but have yet to put a ton of time into learning it.

Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?

My advice for new members of PMC (but this also applies to YouTube) is to keep at it. Most likely your first work won’t do very well, but don’t let that discourage you. Keep at it, keep learning, keep improving, and you will likely end up where you want to be.

Anything you'd like to add?

Thanks, PMC for being a great website that helped get me into this strange Minecraft community.

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05/29/2021 12:38 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
Wow, it is always interesting to learn about someone!
05/28/2021 11:41 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mlem Mlem Bat
HuoKnight's Avatar
Wow, this clears up a whole ton. I've used WASD packs for a while, plus looking inside to help myself learn, and the entire time I thought it was a whole team. Then I got more confused when I saw WASD team and eastonium and I couldn't figure out what that was about. Thanks for clearing all this up!
08/13/2021 6:59 pm
Level 88 : Elite Deity
Eastonium's Avatar
Yeah, it is a bit of a mess :P
05/28/2021 11:13 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
POSTAL Doe's Avatar
Oh, this is another interview with a popular user, how interesting.
05/28/2021 10:26 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cowboy
Jesse_Shrek's Avatar
first comment
05/28/2021 10:29 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc3484438's Avatar
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