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Planet Minecraft Interviews Aspirin60

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Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was our seventh PMC Weekly Interview, featured in Volume 65! In this volume, we interviewed Aspirin60! We're personal fans of Aspirins' work; from her unique skins her beep box beats and chip tunes, to her psychedelic art, and her funny crazy comics. She currently has over 800 submissions, has given nearly 20,000 diamonds! She's intrigued us from the beginning, and we were eager to learn more about her. We hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as we did!

How did your Minecraft experience begin?
At first, i will say;English is not my language and i can not write or speak it perfect, okay? My Minecraft experience started as my younger brother introduced me to the game;I think beta 1.3.6. That was 8 years ago? I buy a Laptop, learned to use it, and played regularly with him...

Do you still play Minecraft?
I like to play the game all weeks, sometimes every day if I build something bigger in creativity. And the week-end my brother,two friends and me like to play pvp and survival in self-made medieval worlds(realms). You never see me in a server, I think, because the language barrier...

What inspired you to start making skins? How did you learn (through tutorials or self-taught)? Are there any tips or tricks you'd like to share for someone that's just starting out with skinning?
I wanted to have my own skin and searched a skin editor. I made my first four skins in Nova skin and put my first one in-game and i was so proud of my first (horrible) skin! It was a coincidence that i landing on Planet Minecraft...And,wow, so much gooood works was there,a lot of quality uploads from really good artists; i felt very small with my four noob-skins...For someone who starting I just saying that; -Do what you enjoy, do it well and only for you; if you like it, others like it too.

You’re talented across various mediums; you’re a true artist! From your paintings and drawings, to your music and skins. You have such a unique style. Where does your inspiration come from?
Where comes my inspiration? Uuh, not easy to give answer...I've been drawing since I could hold a pen in my fingers and painted what i saw, and gave my fantasy in it...I learned by watching how the masters did it and took the criticism seriously. At school i had the best grades in drawing and music, my teachers always said: -You can't make a living from it, look for a job. And I did so...

We love your comics! Can we expect more of them?
Do you like my comics? lol ...I'm sure,I'll be doing more comics, lately, I've focused more on learning to make music with beep box(chiptunes) and less on drawing, that'll come back...

How did you choose your PMC Username?
How I choose my username? O boy that was a weird thing... I was sick for a long time and had to take a lot of medication... I tried different names, they were occupied and when I took aspirin as the last option, it worked!! It's easy to remember this!

What PMC submission are you most proud of? Why?
What submission makes me the proudest? That's easy, my first 1place in a PMC contest; This one! And I'm proud of this skin because it's the first really good work I made 3 years ago, in the first time in PMC.

What is your favorite skin that another member has made?
My first favorite skin from another member is viking from Kefka

I love This much; the fun police Althestane
and this one from Aximili
This too; bat signal from taterman88
An this is nice; eeyore fromPurrfectionist
and a lot of other great skins....

What do you enjoy most about Planet Minecraft?
I enjoy most in Planet Minecraft the whibbit-frog on my profile...Hahaha...Thanks Cyprezz! Seriously; I like this site because it is designed with a lot of love! So many wonderful details and diversity in all areas... And there come always something new! For me is this site one of the best in the web! Thanks to the leaders and all who support PMC with real work!

Do you have any goals on the site (subscriber goal, perhaps win a contest, etc).
At the time I enjoy the possibility to made 3D-skins and mob skins with the new PMC skin 3D, a quality skin editor.

If i have any goals on the site? I won twice a PMC skin contest, I'm level 72, have over 1000 subscribers, what more could I want as goal? I only know one thing, I still enjoy posting funny artwork and I feel good here...

Is there a specific member that inspires you or you look up to? Who/Why?
Two members fascinated me from the beginning; both have done an extraordinary job in the matter. with a lot of imagination and skill , they have influenced a whole generation of skinners I'm talking about Kefka and lantosyt . i like much halucid , Althestane , nimnot , DragonsDungeon , CreepinAtMyDoor , wldscarlet, and a lot of other good skinners...

Do you have any other hobbies alongside Minecraft?
My other hobbies are music; I've been play guitar for a long time and composing music on my PC...I have a Soundcloud page.

I like to paint with watercolors and ride in the country with my motor bike...I'm a night bird and sleep today, if I can,lol...

Do you have any pets? (perhaps include a picture?!)
My dog Whisky is going for a long time and today I keep two sugar-cane toads and 3 leopard-geckos in two big terrariums...

Leopard-gecko Willy, the male, and his girls; Flip and Flap:
Planet Minecraft Interviews Aspirin60

A couple of Sugar cane toads. The name of those two is not possible to translate...
Planet Minecraft Interviews Aspirin60

This was whiskey (and me) xxx year ago ...
Planet Minecraft Interviews Aspirin60

We know you’re an amphibian lover. Tell us why you like them so much and what your favorite species is!

I always liked animals that people hate; spiders,scorpions,insects,snakes,lizards and frogs. In above cane toads because they are hated so much. When my dog died i started with my first 4 Leopard-geckos and a bit later 2 cane toads where added...I have two big self made terrariums for my little pets...

Describe yourself in 3 words!
3 words? -Huge metal fan

Favorite quote or words of wisdom for the community? OR Do you have any advice for new members of PMC?
At the last I would say this to all new members; make your thing, stay true by yourself,do not curse and never copy a pixel because this is tabo0! Planet Minecraft is a great fan-site and i wish all a good time here!

Anything you'd like to add?
one of my favorite digital painting:

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08/09/2021 9:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MintyGhostAlt's Avatar
Can I have an interview
01/01/2021 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jsf33759's Avatar
I enjoyed the interview.

Jacksonville Tree
12/29/2020 9:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mario1020's Avatar
This is cool
12/26/2020 10:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3353523G's Avatar
Não consigo ir 😭😭😭😭
12/23/2020 4:34 pm
She/They • Level 56 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Spongie's Avatar
Awesome interview!! So fun to read!! ^-^
12/23/2020 1:38 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
EmpressOfToads's Avatar
Those toads are some of the most beautiful things I've seen
12/23/2020 7:15 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Venator_'s Avatar
This is the first time I see an interview in Planet MC (I've only been here for 1 month).

I think this kind of interview is a good thing :)
12/23/2020 10:46 am
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
PMC's Avatar
We have quite a few interviews, all can be seen in this collection!
12/23/2020 11:35 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Venator_'s Avatar
I just read 5 of them for now. But I don't see an interview with a Datapack maker. Maybe because the questions have to be a little different?
12/23/2020 11:39 am
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
PMC's Avatar
We interviewed data pack creator Bertiecrafter in this weekly newsletter. We will publish it as an individual blog post within the next few weeks :)
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