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Mashumaro's Avatar Mashumaro
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Random post, but it's for a good reason.

I found a good skin couple of minutes ago (times differ since the post was made) and I thought; "Hey, I know this skin from somewhere".My immediate reaction was to search a skin that was like that one. And what do you know, I found the original owner of it.
We'll call the person "Bob" that stole the skin. I can't search for the account anymore, probably someone took care of them after I reported that skin, or they just changed their name, which may come to as a problem.
Anyways, what I wanted to talk about was plagiarism. I'm very glad that some people in this community would take action and help the original owners of a skin or a picture made by someone else. But even then, I get a sense of defeat to whereas people might do it again.
I did feel good that the person's account was removed. But there's no point if they didn't reflect upon it. I can't lie, I've done something similar before in the past, e.g homework. But I reflected upon it, in the hard way. But I stopped afterwards.
Taking inspirations isn't wrong. Everything isn't original. What I think it is, it's fine to take inspiration from something, that's how you reach for your dreams. But just don't steal or copy someone else's work and claiming it that it's yours. You don't feel as accomplished and you won't ever be if keep doing it in the future.

Also, for a quick reminder from Minecraft skins aside, think of the copyright law. It's important to know these things when using pictures, music or anything else that's made by someone else. It's not fun when you're in debt because of something you did blew up and then just losing everything. You can search for copyright laws on Google or just something quick like a Youtube video.

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Builder Julius
02/03/2019 8:37 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Builder Julius's Avatar
Yes, Same Problem with Buildings ..
Planet Minecraft


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