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~ Plaga Archive ~

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SpartanHarv's Avatar SpartanHarv
Level 46 : Master Sweetheart
Chapter 1 Characters:

Kinetic; Owner of Kinetic Industries. Rough and outwardly rude, yet still has emotion.

Spartan (Normal); Unstable Determination soul. Has the staff of Atrocity as of now. Emotionally weak and kind

Spartan (Cub); Paranoid child. Survived the Prey universe.

Yvonne; Mage. Mother to Spartan (Cub not Normal). Strong female

Kitsunami; Anti-Tails. Best friend to Surge. Engineer. Emotionally weak

Surge; Anti-Sonic. Best friend to Kitsunami. Tough girl basically

Dr. Starline; Ex-Assistant to Eggman. Works with powerful gems (Ex; Warp Topaz, Chaos emeralds, etc)

General; Commander over Kinetic’s militarized force. Stern, yet nice

Haz; Member of the Hazards division at Kinetic Industries. Main character. Friendly and kind

Chem; Researcher for Kinetic Industries. Kinda a Jerk, yet gets the job done.

Knuckles is Knuckles

Tails; Loyal inventor for Sonic

Metal Sonic; Eggman’s servant, strong

Whisper; Guardian of the Battlefield, quiet

Xanthus; King of Mobius. Feared ruler.

Veno; Kinetic’s previous assistant. Kind yet won’t hesitate to act. Fine leader.

Crimson; Kinetic’s current assistant. She becomes assistant in the middle of the story. Kind and quiet.

Important Facts:
  • The Plaga:
  • The Plaga is a virus of unknown origins. It’s a contact virus. Upon contact with a healthy individual, it will start festering in their body.
  • It begins to grow veins in the victim’s body.
  • How long it takes heavily depends on how much exposure the victim gets.
  • Red veiny growths will grow on the victim as it festers further.
  • The growths begin sprouting out of the victim’s body in usually dark/damp areas.
  • This is normally a painless process; the lack of pain helps to conceal its existence.
  • Once it sprouts, it begins to change physically and mentally its victim.
  • The victim is now referred to as a host. As the virus begins to become contagious at this stage.
  • At this stage the host begins to have major physical changes. They become darker, any fur on the host becomes coarse and rough. Physical changes differ from host to host. They most commonly include: sharper claws, veiny red growths all over their body, and darker fur.
  • Sharp weaponry and cutting through the hosts have been proven to not work, only stun them. They can live without most of their insides. They only require their skeleton. The growth works as a way to keep them alive.
  • They do feel pain.

  • Kinetic Industries
  • Kinetic Industries (Or Kinetic Labs) is a large organization. It gains It’s funding from other companies with similar goals.
  • Their main objective is to contain or neutralize anomalies in the Sonic multiverse.
  • Their main workforce is made up of manufactured bots. This includes Chem, Haz, and General.
  • They do have some Mobian workers, though just a few. This includes Crimson and Veno.
  • They have 2 main divisions: Military and Research. They are self-explanatory.
  • They also have subdivisions. Example: Special Ops (Military), Hazards and Cleanup (Both), Shock Troopers (Military) etc....


  • Kitsunami touches The Crystal.
  • He gets infected with the Plaga, becoming the first of the infected.
  • Surge uses her electric powers to create a electric sphere around Kitsunami to contain spores coming out of Kit.
  • Kitsunami gets hit with negative emotions, the Plaga causing it.
  • The Plaga causes Kitsunami to change physically.
  • The Plaga does not mind control, nor make Kitsunami hostile yet.

  • Surge fails to secure Kit.
  • Before Surge became aware of Kitsunami’s new state. He accidentally came into contact with others.
  • Other cases of The Plaga begin to pop up, going unnoticed for the most part.
  • Infection starts to spread.
  • Knuckles becomes infected. His name changes to Weakened Strength
  • Metal Sonic becomes infected, his name changes to Faulty programming.
  • Plaga becomes dangerous and starts to make the infected become hostile and given the urge to infect others. This urge gets worse over time

(In between events:
  • Crimson becomes Kinetic’s next assistant)

  • Plaga becomes noticed.
  • Plage becomes widespread noticed and known as dangerous.
  • Xanthus notices its existence.
  • Termination of the Plaga begins. The termination is lead by Xanthus for the most part.
  • Whisper gets attacked by Metal Sonic. She fends Metal Sonic off but gets badly hurt. She doesn’t get infected though. Knuckles finds her resting behind a stump and infects her through violent means.
  • Tails becomes infected.

  • Becomes a global pandemic.
  • Climax of the story
  • Plaga infects a large chunk of the world.
  • Xanthus’ forces can’t seem to stop it anymore.
  • The Plaga mutates into stronger strands, making the infected stronger and harder to take down. Makes them more hostile as well.
  • Kinetic Industries helps to stop The Plaga. They also start to research The Plaga.
  • Officially called as “The Plaga” from now on.
  • Kinetic Industry bots start going on missions to terminate or contain Plaga hosts.
  • Spartan, Yvonne, and Veno all start taking major roles in stopping The Plaga.
  • Major Character Development for many characters.
  • Spartan (Cub) gets infected and transferred to a Kinetic Lab. At this time Whisper gets contained also. At this point, it reveals that The Plaga mind controls, and does not turn them into zombies.
  • Whisper becomes emotional near Spartan (Cub) as she can’t control herself. Spartan (Cub) remains scared, not fully infected, and still in control of his thoughts. He doesn’t know what to do, but tries to comfort Whisper.
  • Crimson gets infected, and Kinetic is devastated by this.

  • World falls.
  • World doomed to fail.
  • Governments begin to collapse.
  • Survivors are left alone to fend for themselves.
  • Kinetic Industries try to help survivors. They bring many to secure bunkers or facilities.
  • Most of Mobius is infected.

  • The Cure gets created.
  • A cure gets discovered. But it is rather unethical. The cure requires the infected individual to be shocked with electricity. It is necessary that electric currents run through the individual for 4-5 hours. This causes The Plaga to burn out and die. It is permanent and the Plaga cannot grow back if done correctly.
  • Crimson gets cured first. It’s proven successful.
  • Others get cured.
  • The world slowly gets restored.
  • Crimson canonically becomes Kinetic’s adopted daughter.

  • Storyline fails to reset.
  • Surge had Dr. Starline reset the universe to a unknown date. This date was before the Plaga.
  • Kitsunami. Although being cured and going through a time reset, still had a Plaga growth on his ankle that is kept when the reset happens.
  • The Storyline fails to reset. The Plaga still happens and ravages the world.

  • Aftermath
  • Plaga becomes seemingly sentient and remains in Kitsunami to stay safe.
  • Tails wasn’t ever cured. He remained a Plaga host.
  • Tails becomes a main character behind the scenes in The Plaga’s lore.

Credit to anonpmc4875752 and Joey_Raccono (No PMC account that I know of)
They made many of the events and characters.

This is just an archive of my Plaga storyline RP.
I might need to rewrite some things for clarity.
Feel free to read! :D

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05/30/2024 12:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
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11/03/2023 12:38 am
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11/03/2023 8:39 am
Level 46 : Master Sweetheart
SpartanHarv's Avatar
Heh, thanks man XD
Prob gonna update it later- :>
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