Minecraft Blogs / Review

Pixelmon Servers - KiwiCraft

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kryMas's Avatar kryMas
Level 47 : Master Bunny
First of all, this server sucks. Well that was quick wasn't it? For all you pixelmon fans, do NOT join this server. It is probably the WORST pixelmon server ever. No legendaries spawn for all you adventurers, all you builders will have to donate if you want to protect atleast 800 blocks, and if you're griefed? Tough luck they say. They don't repair your build, they don't track them down, they don't do anything. They tell you to protect your stuff. If you can't donate, then you get a wonder 144 block claim. Why make griefing illegal when you can't protect nice builds? Make a dirt shack and BOOM theres your house. Great! Not.

List of Restrictions/Negativity
-No Legendaries spawn
-You cannot craft rare candies
-You cannot claim large plots of lands for huge builds (Gyms, ect)
-Staff do not return lost items, lost land, loss of property, or loss of pokemon
-World Save every about 30 minutes, talking during it gets you muted
-Staff are rude, bias and unfriendly
-The shops buy-sell ratio is terrible

If you are looking to adventure on Pixelmon, find a different server :C
Some grief that was not even bothered to be looked at (My friend :/)

If you are a griefer that would like to grief them, be my guest

Thank you.

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04/21/2014 5:45 am
Level 30 : Artisan Button Pusher
Chuck10931's Avatar
I really hope this isn't a New Zealand owned server. 

It'd suck if it was...
01/23/2014 9:38 pm
Level 40 : Master Bunny
Crystal_Kitten's Avatar
I went on it, 1 min later i was banned for asking for something :/
01/23/2014 10:54 pm
Level 47 : Master Bunny
kryMas's Avatar
Yup, that wraps them up :D
01/23/2014 11:00 pm
Level 40 : Master Bunny
Crystal_Kitten's Avatar
:D Im telling all my friends about the server >:3 there server will soon be hated
01/25/2014 2:47 am
Level 47 : Master Bunny
kryMas's Avatar
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