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People are ruining Minecraft for me.

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MatteoB's Avatar MatteoB
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
It seems everywhere I go I have people always messing with me. Wether trolling, or whatever; they all keep doing it constantly. Even though I do nothing to them, to still continue to do it to me. Everywhere I go, everyday, and it is ruining my whole Minecraft experience. I don't even rage on them so why keep doing it? It's like what kind of happiness are you getting from it now? For real? What makes it worse is it's admins who do it. Those with OP, or mods or stuff. It makes no sense to me and I am not mad, but the whole minecraft experience is being ruined because I want to play a game, not see how many times you can kill me in 2 minutes or burn my house down or whatever. It annoys me so much, I just want a place and a server I can go that people wont be huge pricks.

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12/09/2014 5:52 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ninjabutz's Avatar
I know what you're saying. I've had to deal with harassment, childish behavior, and many other things. Multiple servers i went on had very rude and obnoxious staff members who did whatever they could and claimed the victim to be the antagonist. I have dealt with the problems of my own server as well. Multiple people have griefed and trolled, releasing their rage and destruction on other players. Sometimes, even my friends grief my WIP builds. Sometimes they are the ones who complain and hate with no gain in any way, shape, or form out of their actions. Dealing with these things can be tough, but there are many servers with kinder people whi dont harass anyone and the staff actually do their job.
06/01/2014 10:38 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Rabidrex37's Avatar
This has been a problem on many servers and i am pissed to see people even admins who still do these things. In my opinion, i think that the minecraft community should follow the digital ettiquette so every player gets to have a great experiance playing on minecraft servers.
06/01/2014 12:43 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
MatteoB's Avatar
Exactly, but so many servers it seems doesn't even mind who they give power to. Like they give it to anyone, and the server turns to trash before ever being good.
06/01/2014 12:51 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Rabidrex37's Avatar
Dude by the way, i want you to be mod in my server because you sound like a mature and a trustworthy person.
06/01/2014 12:59 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
MatteoB's Avatar
Seriously? Thank you. Do I need to fill out an application or something?
06/01/2014 1:18 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Rabidrex37's Avatar
06/01/2014 1:47 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
MatteoB's Avatar
Oh wow. Thank you.
Cheesy Guy
05/31/2014 10:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Cheesy Guy's Avatar
the ip is play.hivemc.com!!! my name is Superan13 ill be on in a minute! tell me your minecraft name!
05/31/2014 10:46 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
MatteoB's Avatar
Cheesy Guy
05/31/2014 9:44 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Cheesy Guy's Avatar
See you in a bit!
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