Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Peepachu interviews-Marker Juice

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peepachu's Avatar peepachu
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Peepachu interviews-Marker Juice
Peepachu interviews-Marker Juice
Hey guys it's me again! wow we're on our seventh interview
today i'm interviewing marker juice!
so lets start this interview
Peepachu interviews-Marker Juice
Me-this color
Marker-this color

1.What got you into making skins?
Derp, found this website and made skins cuz I thought it would be cool.
2.How did you find PMC?
Google, Durr... google finds everything... google knows...
3.What inspires you to make the skins you make?
I dont really make skins that much anymore.
4.Goals for PMC?
Well, I was gonna quit and be a troll, but imma try and get subs now that I have changed my mind.
5.How long have you been playing/uploading on PMC?
Wait, idek, lemme check, *RUNS*, Sorry, I ran the wrong direction so imma guess, a little more than a year maybe.
6.Do you have haters? if so what would you like to say to them?
Yes I have haters on my last blog, and I love my haters they are amazing! THANK YOU HATERS I LOVE YOU!!!!
7.Fav skin you've made so far?
My Marker_Juice OC skin
8.Fav mob?
Squidward-Err-Um- Villagers
9.Least fav mob?
Creepers they hate me
10.How did you find out about Minecraft?
From my friend with a weird name (lol it was weird), he was playing PE, and I thought it would be cool. The rest is history.
11.What is you fave thing to do in Minecraft?
Play on classicsb.com, I love myself some skyblock!
12.What is your fave block to use in minecraft?
Umm, Idek, favorite block? What kind of question is tha-
Someone: "HEY THATS RUDE!"
Me: oh
Me: Um, maybe wood
13.What is your fave minecraft biom?
14.Where did you come up with your username?
15.What would you say to your biggest fans who are inspired by you and want to be where your at someday?
Im not at any postition were im "Famous", so I don't really believe I have crazy fans. (Besides winds, she studys my art for some reason...) So what I would say is "Stop stalking my art! (No jk)"
16.Do you have a favorite type of server?
17.did anyone inspire you to use your current style now?
Wait art style, or skinning style? I will just go with art since I cant ask you that as I am typing now... um... idek
18.What is your favorite thing about PMC?
The blogs because the skins suck.
19.How do you come up with skin ideas?
I dont
20.Fave song at the moment?
Umm I like a lot of songs so idk
21.Who is your fave PMC member you subbed to?
Thats a hard question, I have subbed to the people I have subbed to for a reason... So all the people I have subbed to!

Well that's it i hope you enjoyed it!
thxs marker juice for being so patient with me <3

Hey! you better be checking his page out

(picture made by me)

(credit to the people who also used these questions)


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