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Page 1 - 2 of my new story. (Type names for story in comments).

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SandraSkylar's Avatar SandraSkylar
Level 30 : Artisan Demolitionist
“I’m so glad I could come!” Candy said to her brother, bowing. Her brother in question was a rather rude person, recently made king. “I hoped the guards wouldn’t let you in, but I suppose it’s fine”, her brother responded.

“Oh, well-““You don’t need to say anything. Guards, take her into the guest bedroom”, Roger ordered, interrupting his sister.

“What a jerk”, she muttered after being escorted to the “guest bedroom”, which was located as far away from the king as possible without leaving the castle walls. It was a dark and despicable place, normally meant for prisoners. The walls were a bare concrete, and the floor was as well. It was almost impossible to escape. Almost, Candy thought. Almost impossible to escape.

The guard, after a few hours, brought Candy some food from the palace. “Hey”, she asked the guard. “Do you like Roger?” “I don’t especially like him. Why?” The guard responded. “Wouldn’t it be better to have a new ruler?” Candy questioned.

“I suppose so.”

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

“When he’s weaker.”

“Everyone hates him already. They can’t hate him more.”

“. . . What are you getting at?”

“Starting a revolution. Having a new ruler we can vote on instead of deciding upon the blood, gender, or skin tone of someone.”

“But. . .”

“Why not?”

“What are you two talking about?!” Another guard yelled, prepared to make an arrest. Oh shoot, Candy thought. Now we have to deal with this idiot. “Nothing”, the nice guard responded. “We’re just talking about how great our king is.” “Good”, the other guard said gruffly. “I hope so. If you were talking about a “revolution” over our best king in centuries, I would have to arrest you.” He only said “you”, Candy thought. He’s only talking about the nicer guard. He would enjoy arresting me, and so would Roger. “I would never think such a thing!” said the kind guard, pretending to feel accused. “This is the best king we’ve had since the kingdom was made!” The other guard walked away, feeling satisfied.

“Well, that proves that some people love Roger as king”, said the nice guard. “I guess so. What’s your name, anyway?” Candy asked. “Denise. Why do you ask?” she responded. “I just wanted to know.”


“Anyway, I better get some rest. Night, Denise!”

“Good night.”

(I love ending pages on a cliffhanger, but I suppose this is fine). (P.S. This story is really dark in the end).
Credit. . . My imagination?

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12/30/2020 10:18 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
Hawthxrn's Avatar
this is really good! I admire your creativity! but just one thing, try and avoid so much dialogue, leave room for descriptions and character development. other than that, i think it is really good.
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