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Outlands SMP : Redstone Rebellion

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Mcbugsaddonyt's Avatar Mcbugsaddonyt
Level 26 : Expert Modder Crafter
In the lawless sprawl of the Outlands SMP, Vexa reigned supreme. A redstoner with a dubious moral compass, Vexa had built a hidden network of tunnels, smuggling illicit contraband under the noses of the server admins. Her most prized possession? A shulker shell overflowing with Wither skulls.One fateful night, a new player named iFlip flopped into the server. Unlike the diamond-obsessed hordes, iFlip craved knowledge. Vexa, sensing an opportunity, offered him a shadowed apprenticeship. iFlip, eager to learn the secrets of redstone, readily agreed.Vexa meticulously trained iFlip, teaching him to craft intricate contraptions and bypass security measures. But as iFlip delved deeper, he unearthed Vexa's illegal operation. Torn between loyalty and righteousness, iFlip hatched a daring plan.On the night of the next big trade, iFlip switched the Wither skulls with harmless pumpkins. Vexa’s buyers, infuriated by the bait-and-switch, descended upon her layer. In the ensuing chaos, iFlip seized his chance. He exposed Vexa’s crimes to the admins, bringing the whole operation crashing down.The Outlands SMP erupted. Vexa was banned, her tunnels repurposed for legitimate trade. iFlip, hailed as a hero, became the new redstone prodigy, forever etching his name in the legend of the Outlands SMP.

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