Minecraft Blogs / Art

Our Next Project!!

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roy58467's Avatar roy58467
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Um I haven`t told them so im waiting for them to agree.
I though we shold add a gold mine in our privet sever but they are tried today so i`ll let them rest.(my friend message)
um my frined is here and he wants to say something)hey guys um thanks you for your support on our 55th base
it took some work but we did it with team work curently think about our caption`s idea roy58467 is our caption after all he made the sever and told us about a wonderful game called minecraft he is better than us at building but not pvp hes
nice as a friend and if you ever meet him be friend with him.(that was nice frank thanks) say thanks you frank
)anyways a gold mine seems hard so we have a 70% chance of not making it.(franks say something more)um goodbye and see ya soon) and me ) goodbye viewers

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