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Our final legacy (chapter one)

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Crois's Avatar Crois
Level 49 : Master Vampire Artist
I am leaving this tape as my final legacy to this torn world I now live in. The world did not happen from monsters or zombies or even computers that we once feared would happen a year ago, Instead, it was the demons of the hell beneath us, Of course, these demons took form for whatever religion you believed in so everyone saw something different, All anyone knows, however, is that these demons- whatever they are- have been taking and controlling bodies, which is why their universal name is 'The Controllers'.

No one knows what happened to make them such tormented souls- Yeah your right, I should stop stalling.
I'm Raven- Not my real name but that is what you can call me.

1 year, 1 month & 1 day ago

"Jasper, put away the sketchbook we're walking to school." I said, rolling my eyes. "No I'm almost finished with the moon." He said, He was drawing a picture of a crescent moon with gears, Figures, He was an engineering fanatic. "To be fair your the one with your face in a book during math class." Said Blood Moon (no one knew her real name). I blushed with slight embarrassment, Of course, Jasper immediately stopped drawing as soon as I started blushing, And started singing the kissing in a tree song using my and Moon's names, We both shouted "Shut Up!" at him at the same time.

He paused in then started singing the song even louder. "Remind me why we still hang out with him?" Moon muttered under her breath. "Time like this I wonder." I agreed, Jasper had known for a while that I had a crush on Moon and that I was Lesbian-Demi, He liked taking advantage of this with shipping me with Moon.

It was a very painful experience. I and Moon walked in an uncomfortable silence and we arrived at school.

Skip a few hours and Marla, The head Controller as of right now walked in and just controlled Moon's body, And after that it was pretty much chaos. Jasper got controlled by a Controller whom I don't even know the name of, Suddenly they both came after me and I've been here ever since.

I was vibing to this while I made the chapter 😎
Comment if you want more chapters in the future

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(Diamond, Favorite and subscribe if you like it)
CreditThe original artist who made Marla

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