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One Life, Use it right (Novel) [contest]

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The_LOL_Gangster's Avatar The_LOL_Gangster
Level 25 : Expert Cake
Thursday, March 13.
Dear Diary,
It's been a month after the attack of Woodford, I'm starting to lose hope for finding my friends. After that blast I'm shocked I'm still alive, but I know. If I could survive the attack, I have a gut feeling Moonlight is not dead. I just hope that I find her soon, I hope she's searching for a clue for where I'm at. I love her too much to give up so easily, and she loves me. I have a gut feeling she's alive and searching for me. Chances are low that she's safe and sound, but if she is dead. I want to find her body, and give my last goodbyes. I have one life, I better put it into good use.

"Happy birthday Dan!" Marcel said, Dan claps. Marcel brings in two small chocolate cupcakes, only 1 haves a candle for Dan. Dan smiles big
"Gosh Marcel, you don't have to do this! I'm shocked you made cupcakes, in this state were in, it's impossible to make chocolate!" Said Dan, Marcel smiles.
"Make a wish Dan." Said Marcel, Dan claps happily.
"It's Rebel by the way." Said Dan, she closes her eyes.
"I rather call you Dan" said Marcel
"I wish.. we find the people we love. And rebuild Woodford." Said Dan, she blows out the candle. Marcel claps.
"I hope so.." said Marcel, he eats his cupcake.


Marcel throws his book bag over his shoulder, Dan leans on the wall watching him getting ready to search for survivors.
"I know your only gonna look for Moonlight." Said Dan, Marcel looked at her with a fake smile.
"Hey! What's that look for?!" Said Dan, she started laughing.
"You say it every week, maybe a little change is great." Said Marcel, Dan smiles as she looks at his tattoo on his arm.
"You have a tattoo? Odd, you have powers?" Asked Dan, Marcel didn't bother to turn around.
"The time will come when the answer will hit you like a rock." Said Marcel, Dan shakes her head.
"Whatever man, you should get going before night fall hits." Said Dan.
"I'm fine Dan, you need to chill. I have it covered don't worry." Dan sighs and walks out of Marcel's room.
"Whatever, I'm heading to bed. Come back in one human body, ok?" Said Dan, Marcel laughs as he keeps packing up for the trip.


Marcel opens the cellar door as he climbs out, he felt the wind run through his hair. Marcel starts walking west, the spring breeze hits him so lightly like a feather is blown in your direction. Marcel keeps walking then looks up to see the sun setting.
"Dang it! Dan was right, I should have left sooner." Said Marcel.
"The docks are only a half mile away, if I run I can get there before night fall hits." Said Marcel, he runs as fast as he could. Marcel was sure that he will get in his small boat before the sun sets, the moon will only upset him. Marcel kept running, he started to breathe heavily. He started to feel his legs go, but Marcel didn't gave up so easily. Marcel sees the steps that lead down to the docks. Once Marcel sees the first step he jumps to land on the wooden pathway, he lands and runs to his small boat. He gets in and starts rowing.


The moon was out shining so lightly on the water, Marcel smiles lightly. A tear drips from his cheek and hits the water, he looks at the water. See looks at himself then the moon.
"Why is life so..cruel..?" Asked Marcel, he yawns.
"I better get this bad boy in the bay." Said Marcel.
He starts rowing down the river that leads to the bay, Marcel kept rowing even if his arms started to kill him. Marcel needed to be in the bay to sleep, it's the only way to stay safe. Marcel saw the sign that Dan put to lead his way.
'Bay - half a mile away. --->
<--- docks'
Marcel smiles and kept rowing in till he hits the bay.


After an hour of rowing Marcel finally hits the bay, he lays back and breathes heavily. Marcel closes his eyes as he drifts off into sleep.

Marcel forgot to tie up his boat..


Friday, March 14.
Dear Diary,
I'm at a new land, I 100% forgot to tie up my boat. Now I'm at a new shore, my boat must have drifted off into the ocean. I'm at an new island, I put in a new way to track how many miles I went. Not counting the 4, so the ocean is only just a small chunk of it. It's only 32 miles long.. but now I can record the small part of the ocean and check out this new island.. maybe it haves a clue where Moonlight is.

Marcel gets up and looks down the beach, all Marcel sees is just..sand.
"This can't be one hole beach, right?" Said Marcel, he grabs his boat and pulls it far away from the water. Marcel starts walking north hopping to see green grass, flowing in the breeze. After walking an half of a mile Marcel finds a few trees, some on the Sandy beach. Some on the tall green grass. Marcel couldn't stop sweating like a dog, He finally gets off the beach and sits under one of the trees.


Marcel lays his head back and sees a bracelet, hanging from a branch high above. Marcel gets up, Marcel may be 6 feet tall. But the bracelet was out of his reach, Marcel starts climbing up the tree and grabs the bracelet. He jumps down and looks at it.
"Truth, enjoy life, made with love, friend.." it said, this was Moonlight's bracelet! Marcel smiles and hugs it tight.
"Moonlight must be ok if her bracelet is ok." Said Marcel, then he starts to think. "What if the ring I gave her is gone..?" Marcel shakes his head, it was already mid-day. Marcel must get going, if he wants to find Moonlight.

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One Life, Use it right (Novel) [contest]


The sun was starting to set, Marcel couldn't stop sweating. The sun won't stop beating down on him, Marcel hates to do this. But, Marcel takes off his gray ripped t-shirt. He breathes a sigh of relief. Marcel opens his book bag and starts pulling out his tent and a loaf of bread. Marcel looks up.
"It looks like it will be calm tonight." Marcel sets up his tent and eats a piece of bread, he looks up at the stars and smiles. "So beautiful."


Saturday, March 15

Dear Diary,
So far the search for Moonlight has been a success, but it could take a wrong turn at any moment. I must stay safe, it's the only way to find her. Or the rest of the Rebels, but my main goal is to find Moonlight. So my nightmares could turn into dreams, but for now. I must keep looking, so far this is the only clue. But still, it doesn't 100% mean that Moonlight is alive.


Marcel packs up, he felt light headed for a while now. "I hope I'm not getting sick." Said Marcel, he shakes his head. Marcel throws the book bag over his shoulder and starts walking north, Marcel kept his shirt off to keep cool. Marcel started to sweat again, but it's not as hot as yesterday. About a mile away their is only one tree, and something shining? Marcel starts to run to the tree, Marcel was hopping it was a cellar door. Or something like that.


Marcel breathes heavily as he falls to the ground, Marcel kept taking deep breaths. The tree was more than a mile away, Marcel felt like he couldn't move his body. Then as he turns his body facing the tree, he sees Moonlight's ring. The one Marcel gave to her, Marcel grabs the ring and holds it to his chest. Marcel closes his eyes as he falls asleep.

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One Life, Use it right (Novel) [contest]


Marcel opens his eyes, he felt light headed. Marcel looks around to realize he's in bed, a cool soft bed. Marcel sees Moonlight's bracelet and ring gone from his hands, then some one he doesn't remember walk into the room.

"How you feeling darling?" Asked the lady, Marcel feels like he remembers her. But he doesn't remember having a pregnant friend.
"D-do I know you? And where am I?" Asked Marcel, the lady plays with her tail.
"In a minute you will." She said, Marcel looked confused then she pulls down her dress a bit to show a tattoo. The Rebels tattoo, with the only three dots. Marcel smiles.
"Oh Neon, come here and give me a hug." Said Marcel, Neon hugs Marcel as she smiles big.
"Glad you remember me, to bad you came at the worst time." Said Neon, Marcel looks at her like she's nuts.
"Huh? What's going on?" Asked Marcel.
"My husband came to be and told me there gonna be a heat wave, and you came in when it was still on going. You pasted out from dehydration." Said Neon, Marcel looks at the bed side and sees 6 water bottles.
"Oh dear.. really? To be honest, I didn't felt like I needed water at all." Said Marcel, he was so focused on looking for Moonlight. He put her needs above his.
"Is Moonlight here?" Asked Marcel, Neon looks at him with a sour face.
"I'm sorry dear, but Moonlight is in a different bunker." Said Neon, Marcel heart sinks down to the bottom of his chest.
" can't be.." said Marcel, he sits up.
"Get Moonlight here now!" Said Marcel, he didn't felt so successful.
"I can't, I'm carrying for two you know." Neon said, Marcel forgot she was pregnant.
"So.. if you don't mind me asking. Who's the lucky man?" Asked Marcel, he had a smirk on his face.
"Oh stop it! Knowing you, you gonna give him a high five. Anyway, his name is Lawrence. He saved my life." Said Neon, Marcel looks at her oddly.
"Can't wait to meet him." Said Marcel, Neon gets up.
"Anyway, I think you should try to get him. He's out in the Garden."
"Garden?" Asked Marcel.
"Your in a cave." Marcel gets up and Neon points outside.
"Be careful sweetie." Said Neon
"Thanks." Said Marcel.


Marcel walks outside to see the sun setting over the hills, Neon was right. They live in a cave, Marcel was shocked to see a huge beautiful garden outside. Marcel sees a man near a tree, looking at the sun setting.

"Hey! You Lawrence?" Yelled Marcel, the man waves and gets up and walks to him.
"You must be Marcel, pleasure." Said Lawrence, Marcel shakes his hand and was shocked by the man Neon picked. It was Good's brother. Marcel backs up a bit.
"Right.. about the past man, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. Besides, my father made me." Said Lawrence, Marcel looks at him angrily.
"Look Marcel, I know what I did was terrible. But hey, I wasn't the one who attacked Woodford." Said Lawrence, Marcel needed to give him credit. Lawrence did save Neon's life, he don't know how. But still, Neon is Marcel's friend. And he trusts her.
"If Neon trusts you, I trust you." Said Marcel.
"Good, so I'm guessing your asking for where Moonlight is huh?" Asked Lawrence, he laughs.
"You know another guy is after the chick right?" Said Lawrence.
"She's no chick!" Said Marcel.
"Anyway, lead me to her?" Asked Marcel, Lawrence nods.


Sunday, March 16
Dear Diary,
I know I'm writing at night, but I don't have a choice. I know where Moonlight is, the sad part is that Lawrence must take me. Or I will get lost. Anyway, I can't wait to see her beautiful self once again.


"Marcel! Lawrence! We have a guest!" Yelled Neon, Marcel and Lawrence was almost finished packing.
"Marcel! Lawrence! Get your butt in here!" Yelled Neon, Lawrence laughs.
"God I love her." Said Lawrence and walks into his and Neon's room. Marcel follows and was shocked to see who is standing in front of him.

"Hey Marcel." Said Moonlight

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04/01/2017 12:54 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Caveman
window456123's Avatar
Those two images are not loaded
04/01/2017 4:33 pm
Level 25 : Expert Cake
The_LOL_Gangster's Avatar
Thank you so much for telling me, I will work on it asap.
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