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Ok, So... What Happened Exactly?

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JediJerboa's Avatar JediJerboa
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
If you only clicked on this for a straight-forward answer to my title, it's not a simple one, so I suggest you get comfy with a nice snack to chow down on while I explain myself. Alright, here goes nothing. Hi, my name's JediJerboa, just in case you weren't aware, and I like to write. A lot. I would post blogs every weekend on movie reviews, Pokémon theories, or just a nice little story for all of PMC to enjoy. But I'm not sure if anybody picked up on this, or even cared, but I haven't posted anything for about a month. And I can already hear people saying, "But Jedi! They're just delays! Nothing to fret about! We didn't really care if you posted them or not, so stop being so dramatic." Well, not exactly, but almost.

You see, I'm actually experiencing some medical issues, namely my tendency to have seizures, and I have to take medicine for it. And the problem with my medicine is that it lessens brain activity, making my mind a bit slower and more irritable. And what do you think that does to my ability to write lengthy articles? Surely my prescription doesn't make me easily frustrated and make it hard to think creatively, would it? Naw, that's just stupid. But that's exactly what happened. I know that I have been working on my sci-fi universe and collaborating with others, but that's all I've been able to do. These theories and reviews take a ton of insight and a lot of research that my brain doesn't feel like doing at the end of the day. Plus, I have a life outside of PMC that I have to manage, and it's a complete mess at the moment. And all of this craziness just causes my brain to crash at the end of the day, barely able to do anything until the next day.

Now it may seem that you'll never read one of my crappy blogs again, as I apparently don't have the capacity to write them anymore. But don't start celebrating just yet, as I'm just starting to get the hang of this medication thing. It's going to take a while, but I'll get there. Plus, I've missed out on talking about so much of Pokémon Sun and Moon, that I am going to, come hell or high water, write a new theory on Pokémon later this week. Also, watch for some video game review blogs, as I had a blast working on the Minecraft: Story Mode blog and there are a TON of fun games coming soon. And before you ask, no, I will not do a review on No Man's Sky. The reviews write themselves, and let me tell you, they're not great. There may be some delays later in the year, as I'm working on Clash of Unity. You know, that manga/comic book universe that opened up to you people on a thread and then forgot about after a month? Yeah, that one. I'm also working on a few other series at that time, but I'm not gonna spoil what they are. So yeah, pretty busy schedule. This is going to be fun.

Wow, I can't believe it. You actually survived to the end of the blog. Most people have clicked off to look at someone else's blog before this. Meh, I don't blame them. Anyway, leave your thoughts in comments and tell me what you wanna see next. I'll see next time, or whenever I actually write another blog.

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11/05/2016 1:06 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Anyway, what theory would you like me to elaborate on for Pokemon Sun and Moon? I have the Ultra Beasts, who seem to be based on the seven deadly sins, but all I have for that is the data mine, so evidence is inconclusive. Also, I have the adaptations of the Alola forms, and how the Pokemon use them. Or, I can go back to the ghost Pokemon theory and do something on the creepy Pokedex entries that we have so far.
10/31/2016 9:08 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Strawberry
pechee's Avatar
<3 Aww.. I feel bad... I've never read your writing before, but just reading this makes me assume your a really good writer.. Well I hope you can overcome your medication. I'll be hoping for you :3
10/30/2016 8:50 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Thanks for the update. And I look forward to your future blogs.
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