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OG Minecrafter checklist

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ScotsMiser's Avatar ScotsMiser
Level 41 : Master Miner
N.B. this is intended to be [​semi-]humorous
OG Minecrafter checklist:
    Stuff every "real" Minecrafter should do once [​and only once] …
just so the accomplishments of the foogy / grognard players are given proper appreciation…

✌ find a slime chunk without cheats (including external mappers) [​This can be quite easy if one gets lucky, or exceedingly tedious if one does not.]

✌ beat the initial dragon, alone, and without slow falling

✌ learn to fly using a Punch2 bow instead of rockets (may require using a pre 1.11.1 world)

✌ build a pre 1.14 iron farm (bonus credit for duplicating/expanding until one gets a decent supply of ingots)

✌ beat an ocean monument without invisibility [​prior to 1.14{?} guardians were unaffected]

✌ drain an ocean monument without a MOSES machine

✌ clear a 'perimeter' [​i.e. the area loaded at normal (12) render distance] down to bedrock without a World Eater / TNT duping

✌  create a passive mob farm (actually easier pre 1.14) without lowering render distance

✌ fix an anvil via lazy chunk dropping

✌ build an efficient mob grinder that works without Sweeping Edge

✌ get a complete set of enchanted book Librarians (pre-1.14) (multiple books per Librarian allowed if you get so lucky)

✌ fully lock (permanently) a villager (pre-1.14) [​This one takes 'dedication' as I've only 'managed' it once.]

Then — channeling your best Foxworthy – you can proclaim:
If you've ever [​insert one of the above], you might be a grognard Minecrafter….

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12/31/2023 11:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blockhead
SharKevan37's Avatar
Its a Beard
01/01/2024 12:56 am
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Correct, a quick extraction from a PD photo tio fit the grognard theme…
12/30/2023 9:47 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Carrot Cake
Panda_Tyger's Avatar
I've done 2 4 5 8 10
12/28/2023 10:26 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
vv nice will definitely maybe perhaps do
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