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Ode to My Diamond Pickaxe

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Bloorajah's Avatar Bloorajah
Level 45 : Master Fisherman
I found you underground, up to my crafting table i took thee.
I crafted thee from my blood, sweat, and tears
you shine like the ocean, you are harder than any other, the waves of the world crash over you like the ocean over a rock.
you power through materials the likes of which this world has never seen, you work for me as i hold you and whisper softly.

"Ode to my Diamond pickaxe, harder than rock and sundered from the depths, break the stone which lies before me, make all my projects seem small, make a mountain like a grain of sand, may nothing stand in my way when im with you, ode to my diamond pickaxe who breaks the world around me and lets me craft my utmost desires"

so i dig on, your point digging into the earth, creating progress, your green iridescent mineral grinding like clockwork through stone, iron, and obsidian.
as i continue on, you show wear like an oxen working all day, i sit for a break and whisper to you

"Ode to my diamond pickaxe, you will forever be in my soul, mining iron, stone and coal. break all that stands before you, tear it from this world and and make its secrets come unfurled. dig through caves and even the strongest monsters, ode to my diamond pickaxe, forever at my side"

so i dig on, and come to a wall of carefully honed stones, mossy and fetid with age. we dig on through, not even breaking a sweat, staring down the dark void of the mysterious world. we dig through and break surface in an unknown world. a wing in the darkness, to your handle i cling, into the darkness and mystery we walk, hark, an eye, piercing the night, a shriek, i thrust you into the way of the beast, your point catches in its hard flesh, harder than any material we have thus seen, the beast roars and falls from the sky as i hold you in my arms and whisper.

"ode to my diamond pickaxe, strong and dependable, ive used you, reused you, enchanted you and abused you, but in the end i loved you. ode to my diamond pickaxe, now in pieces on the floor, listening to the echoes of the terrible beast' roar."

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09/30/2012 9:16 pm
Level 45 : Master Fisherman
Bloorajah's Avatar
dedicated to my efficiency III, unbreaking III pickaxe, who just broke today while fighting the enderdragon
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