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Newz!: Shaded skin's coming soon maybe? Monthly Updates?

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ichococat's Avatar ichococat
Level 29 : Expert Spider Rider
Well hello there! Today we are going to jump right in to this Months Updates for Mew (Meh)! So I think this might be a Monthly Newz Series! What do you guys think? :3 Topic: Shaded Skin's! Maybe Shaded Skins will come to my Profile! I have been practicing Shaded skins for some time now. Please if my shaded skins suck, Don't b*** about it. Topic: Monthly Update's. I am going to call my Monthly Updates. ChocoUps! Yep! That's what I will call it... My plan is working!!! *Laughs evilly* *You slap me* Ow! What was that for? Oh, Sorry. Anyways that is my Monthly Update! BYE! o

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