This Blog is an entry in the completed And to a New Land He Goes! - Blog Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

New World, New Opportunities

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RenderBones's Avatar RenderBones
Level 20 : Expert Goblin
As Steve gets to shore. He realizes that the area of full of vegetation and wild life. As he settles onto shore he ties his boat down so it won't float away. He starts walking into the rich field of crops and animals. Many pigs, many cows, and chickens. This place seemed to be the best place to start his colony. And who knows, someday a kingdom! He started getting his resources since there were plenty around. He starts to realize that the sky is getting a bit dim and he hasn't created a house yet. With what little resources he has collected, he built a small hut for two people. He lays on the cold grassy ground. Thinking of what he could do the next day. As he lays his head down and closes his eyes. A lullaby he hums, from his childhood. In the middle of the night he wakes to a disturbing sound of a herd of cows. He moves swiftly outside to see what all the commotion is. He could barely see through the herd of cows running towards him. But a glimpse of a tall green creature right behind a baby calf. Steve was confused on what this thing was doing. Never before has he seen a foul creature. He scrambles to his chest and desperately finds his stone sword. He equips his leather armor and goes outside to protect the baby calf. As he got closer to the creature, it walked straight towards him. This frightened Steve, but he was determined to save this poor calf. As Steve got closer to it monster, it started to swell. With one hack of his sword, the monster fell to the ground. As he looked up from the creature at his feet. The calf ran to its mother. Safe at least was the calf he had saved. BOOM!!! Steve went flying backwards and hit his head on a rock. His vision went away slowly and couldn't feel anything. As his defense fell, so did he. He woke up with a sensational pain at the back of his head. He limped to his house and eat some food he had collected from the cows. Looking back at where the calf had been, there was a huge crater in the ground. Not knowing what had created it. He limps toward the hole in the ground. The hole went far down that it uncovered a cave system! Just from standing at the top, he thought he was destined for this. Later that day, he created some ladders. He placed the ladders down the gaping hole in the ground.
Ready For The Next Adventure? Let's find out what happens to Steve In the next Episode!

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