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New to the game but quickly learning

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ZombieShawn's Avatar ZombieShawn
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
So I just got into MineCraft last week and in that time I have started my first house. I started with a small shack and continued to dig under it to create a large underground base. Its funny how things get out of control. After opening up the inside I begun to add glass roofs and castle like towers. All of which was made from cobblestone. Little did I know that making your entire structures out of cobblestone is a noob move. I later begun to change all cobblestone blocks back to the smooth stone blocks. This alone took 2days. Soon after I begun to tunnel deeper and deeper under my house and I uncovered a massive cave >.< ! The tunnels I found were amazing and only led me to even amazing-er places (is that a word lol who cares). Some tunnels have a water flowing through them others have lave and there are more dark places I need to explore. So long story short I have my work cut out for me. I'm going to be making all those tunnels a part of my home... once I clear out the baddies and light up the place. It will be a continuing job I'm sure but what a amazing way to start a game. So my addiction level to the game is extremely high you could say.

With the MineCraft addiction growing I googled and found this site along with many others. I hope to learn how to create custom skins and how to design impressive structures in time as well as becoming a part of this community and others on Multiplayer servers. If you have any tutorials you think would help me feel free to let me know. The more I learn the better builder I shall become. But until then I will continue working on my house and learning the skills I need in that time.


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01/31/2011 6:24 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
ZombieShawn's Avatar
Thanks Mascolls. You are right, its not really a noob move but when you build every square foot of your base using cobblestone it tends to look .... odd lol. But I appreciate the feedback from this blog post.
01/28/2011 3:29 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blockhead
Mascolls's Avatar
Nice blog post. Building with cobblestone is not necessarily a noob move though. It's all about what fits your current project - Building a castle? Then cobblestone fits perfectly for instance. :D
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