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New SpawnPoint Membership Requirement

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MineMasterGeneral's Avatar MineMasterGeneral
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Miner
As a reminder, as of January 1st (00:00 PST), SpawnPoint membership will be required for SpawnPoint access. Please note that SpawnPoint membership is absolutely 100% FREE, and literally takes only a few seconds to establish.
After the above time, the main home page will still be accessible and viewable by everyone, account or no account. However, all other sections and features of SpawnPoint will require an established account and the user will be prompted immediately to sign up for a SpawnPoint account.
Why the change?
Primarily it is for the protection of its users. All members will now be required to agree to newly established TOS (Terms of Service) and Privacy Policy documents. This is for the protection of SpawnPoint users and SpawnPoint itself.
Secondly, there are many new exciting things coming to SpawnPoint that I feel only the most supportive of the SpawnPoint site will should deserve. Some really special things are also coming to those most active, based a new "Emerald Point" experience, or leveling system.
I am always available for comments and questions.
Keep It Sharp!⛏
- MMGwww.MineMasterGeneral.com
#Minecraft #SpawnPoint #MMG #MMGStudios #KeepItSharp

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