This Blog is an entry in the completed Tales from the Nether Minecraft Writing Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

Never Say Nether

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GoggleD0GG's Avatar GoggleD0GG
Site Moderator
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon Necromancer
On this cold winter night,
The outside world seems quite the fright.
A beast rumbles outside my door,
Warning me that this fear may last forevermore.

The aforementioned rumble sounded, causing Ri to look up from her leather journal, discarding her feather pen as she stood up to investigate the noise.

The recent events regarding the mysterious portal, built by the village's founders, concerned Ri not. Ri was a poetic soul and eternal optimist who could find beauty in the darkest of situations; what had she to fear? If anything, the soft grumbles of the portal were comforting. However, she could understand other's worry, and so she wrote her poems at twice her normal rate to keep them distracted. None of her fellow villagers seemed close enough to a logophile, poet, or literature enthusiast to take note of her decreasing quality of work.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she threw open the door, irritated from being interrupted. "Which mortal fool dares disturb me?!"

Instead of a child mimicking a beast, Ri was met with a bipedal pig decked out in gold. She herself had been forced to wear gold boots at all times by her parents, thanks to a report from the search team sent out to investigate the portal.

"HRRNG!!" Was the only response she got, as the creature threw its sword down and stormed off. Strange, she thought to herself. Ever since the portal began to act disturbed, she had seen a handful of oddities walk out of it, some seeming similar to the one she just met. But they usually turned around and re-entered.

With a sigh, Ri returned to her desk.
Mere hours later, the sun rose back into the sky, the moon disappearing from its throne. But an hour before that, Ri found herself shaken awake.

"What now?" She groaned irritably, met with her mother's face.

"What now? What now?! I'll tell you what's now! Come outside!" Ri's mother seemed perhaps a little too excited.

Groaning once more, Ri followed her creator into the village plaza, close to the portal. Just as they arrived, some hardened men of the village--including Ri's father--raced out and away from the portal, panting, crying, and cheering.

Ri didn't bother to think before running towards her father. Ri didn't bother to listen to her mother yelling for her to stop. No, Ri didn't think of much of anything as she sprinted, tears freely streaming down her face. Few knew it, but the main reason for her disposition wasn't anything tragic. It was grief and loneliness from not having her father there to guide her.

An iron golem picked her up and threw her back once she was mere yards away from him. She screamed as it did so, half out of shock from having not seen it, and half out of pain from hitting the ground. Once she landed, and after her mind cleared itself of the daze it was put in from seeing her father, Ri noticed something odd. Everyone was taking steps away from the men who had came out of the portal. Then, she looked over at her father again.

His eyes were a bloodshot red, his flesh pale, and ears pierced with golden hoops.
The rest of that day was spent in a panic. Ri felt numb. Individuals who had spent more than six hours in the portal were put to death...including her father. She recognized the necessity of it, yes, but still she questioned why it had to be her father.

She went outside, stared into the sky, and screamed.

Her mother, concerned, came rushing out, but tripped and fell. The thud caused Ri to snap around almost fast enough to snap her spine. She went over and helped her mother up.

"God, Ri, what were you doing? I'm too old for this." Her mother had tears in her eyes, but Ri knew the tears were not of pain.

"I'm sorry, mother. I was just trying to release my frustration and..." Ri's voice trailed off as she looked to the ground.

In a small bush just outside her home's door, there was a journal just like her own. Cautiously, she picked it up and thumbed through the pages. Her father's handwriting, it did contain. She flipped back over to the cover; on it was engraved, "Never Say Nether".

This journal would hold all the secrets of the mysterious Nether, including why the portal acted so. It would inform the village on how to save itself. It would've done a lot of things, had Ri not chucked into into the nearby quickly flowing stream out of despair.

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