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Nether Adventures: Epilogue

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DarthKilliverse's Avatar DarthKilliverse
Level 45 : Master Nether Knight

“Here we stand today to honor the death of Richard Soven.” Darth said. He stood in front of a newly built statue, built in the center of a somewhat-restored Mesa village. All of the rebels stood in front of it, attending Richard’s funeral. “He was a good man. He was one of the best fighters the rebels had, and always cared about the people around him. Yesterday he had made a sacrifice, a sacrifice to save me. He fought valiantly with me and Smithy against The Entity to hopefully take him down. Unfortunately though, partway in, The Entity’s curse came in, and stopped me from fighting. The Entity saw this as an opening and tried to finish me off, but Richard jumped in last second and saved me from his attack, sacrificing his own life for me. Before he died, he had me keep a promise, a promise that we would all escape, and that we did. As much as I hate to say it, his heroic sacrifice was a good one. If it weren’t for him, I would probably be dead, the rebels would’ve lost, and my hidden power would’ve never been found. He was like the father I never realized I had, and I’m thankful for that. Wherever he is, up there, I bet he’s smiling down at us right now. Thank you Richard, for everything you have done.” Darth’s speech ended and they all started setting out flowers. Darth set down a wither rose and felt the wind blow. He was watching over them. Later that day Kate stood outside of a prison cell, with her father inside. Wither skeletons stood all around them, ready to strike if Garrison were to try and make a move. “So, considered giving any information up yet?” She asked. “I would never betray my empire,” Garrison said. “unlike a certain daughter of mine. Your a disgrace Kate, I’m extremely disappointed in you.” “And yet look who’s the one behind the bars.” She said. “Like I said before, I might let you out if you say something. Then you can go off and do your deeds or whatever.” Garrison gave her a face of disgust. “Never.” “Fine then, so be it. Let’s go.” She started walking away, with some of the wither skeletons following her, leaving only two guarding the cell. She stopped halfway through the room. “I just wanted a family. Did you ever realize that?” She asked. Garrison was silent. “Instead of that, you decided to destroy it as much as you possibly could, all for your own personal gain and for your ‘glorious empire’. You are selfish and disgusting.” She said, before leaving.

“This spot should be good, he should be based in the overworld around here.” The Entity said to the pigmen around him. “Start working on a new fortress. I’m going to make a new overworld portal and head to the end. I’ll be right back.” The pigmen nodded, and The Entity was on his way. He entered the overworld and was greeted with a large base built around him, made mostly of end materials. Not far was a stronghold, so he went down in it and jumped into an already-active end portal. Once he spawned on the obsidian platform he made his way over to another castle, this one built out of purper and end stone bricks. Endermen surrounded him, and the Ender Dragon resting next to her nest. They noticed him, but none of them seemed to care. The Entity entered the castle and was greeted by a pitch black figure. There was no sign of any other color on him, and pitch black smoke rose from his body. “Entity, I didn’t expect to see you here.” It said. “Null, I need to talk to him.” The Entity said in a serious voice. “Right this way then.” Null said, before leading him into another room. At the other side of the room was a throne, and on that throne was a man. The Entity kneeled, and then got up to say “Sir, we’ve lost. The rebels have taken over. The skull is still in the castle, so I have no way of gaining any more backup, Garrison is captured, and their army must be growing substantially. The man took a moment, and then spoke. “Go get your brother, he should be able to help you infiltrate the castle and take back anything you may need. From there on out you know the drill. Get back to business and with him helping this time, work on trying to crush them once again.” He said in an amplified, echoey voice. The Entity nodded, said “Thank you sir.”, and left. “Good luck Entity.” Null said.

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09/04/2019 2:03 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
PandaFlowwarrior's Avatar
:O Does this mean more storyline later, even if it isn't in the Nether Adventures series? I guess I'll have to wait and see...
09/10/2019 10:23 pm
Level 45 : Master Nether Knight
DarthKilliverse's Avatar
Definitely. Our heroes WILL return
09/12/2019 4:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ninja
PandaFlowwarrior's Avatar
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