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Naeboria Vasiborden

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GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Level 52 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
(note: background of breath of the wild would help with understanding the lore of this character.)
Naeboria is the eldest of her three sisters.
1.9 meters

Naeboria Vasiborden, born as Naeleia Parloe, is the eldest of the four 'Divine Sisters'. She is the older twin of Marutalina by three minutes. She is three years older than her younger sisters Rudanilynn and Medohno.

  At the young age of six, Naeboria and her sisters were left home alone when their parents left to go 'grocery shopping.' After waiting a few days, Naeboria took it upon herself to look after her sisters. Her twin, Rutalina, followed her stead. Previously, the older sisters took up studying Shekiah technology, as their negligent father left old guardian parts and textbooks in the basement. The two elder sisters decided to dive deeper and build their own car with the materials their parents left behind. From there, they decided to sell some of their stuff to make enough money to buy food, and provide for their sisters. Because of this, Naeboria and Rutalina were forced to give up their childhoods so that their sisters could grow up as 'normally' as possible. They grew up more mature, but as adults, they show a playful nature which they never got to express as children.

  Naeboria took on a love for engineering, which she shared with her sisters. Over the course of her youth, she helped her younger sisters in joint with her twin. Years passed, and their parents rarely returned to exploit the girls, but Naeboria stood with determination, promising that she would not let anyone harm her sisters.

  She loved to help out her sisters, vowing to defend and help them as needed. When she was able, she'd treat them to special outtings.
At one point, she was able to take them out to see the Divine Beasts, four mechanical marvels, each resembling an animal. The sisters quickly took a liking to the beasts, and it is said that the machines even recuperated this bond.

  Years later, when Naeboria was in her final year of high school, she was returning from a winter break vacation with her sisters. The night was dark and rainy, and road visibility was low. She drove through an intersection, but a distracted driver in the stopped lane crashed into the car in front of them. Naeboria tried to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting anyone, but her car slipped off the road and crashed into a McDonald's sign.
All four sisters were presumed dead.

  Naeboria awoke in a room mimicking her old childhood home, surrounded by her own stuff. In this new form, she now possessed ears and a tail resembling the divine beast Vah Naboris. She was given the name 'Naeboria', which is likely a nod to her given name, Naeleia, and Naboris.
She now has a spiritual connection with the camel-like divine beast, and can even cause thunderstorms when she experiences extreme emotions. She wears a blue skirt and tall heeled boots. Although she now has beyond perfect vision in her 'divine cyborg' form, she still wears her rectangular glasses.

She has a mature personality, but she can be quite playful at times, especially with her twin.
Some of Naeboria's favorite activities include sand seal surfing across her micro-biome desert, tinkering with gadgets, and spending time with her sisters. Occasionally, she'll enjoy playing around with Rutalina, doing things like swapping their tails and ears with each other. Out of the four sisters, Naeboria has the most knowladge on energy and electricity, so she is often the one who is called for when there is an issue with any of the batteries, charging ports, generators, or energy convorters.

  Following the car crash, the sisters were converted into cyborg-like beings, so they run off ancient energy. The four sisters also have 'power levels', which allow them to carry out certian tasks, such as 'deactivating' and 'reactivating' one another, and controlling the weather. This power level is shared amongst the sisters, and when all four are at max power, they are able to borrow power from each other to carry out tasks. Naeboria has the highest base power level of all four sisters, and is closely followed by Rutalina.

She normally wears a white elbow-length blouse with a gray cardigan, which she pairs with a blue skirt and gold and red belts. She keeps her skirt hitched up, revealing her gray shorts. Her favorite shoes are tall and dark boots with lengthy heels. She almost always keeps her ears and tail on, despite the fact that they can be removed. They attach to durable, articulated clamps mounted to her body, which allows her to move them freely in the direction of the joints. The ears instinctively fold inwards when going through narrow spaces, such as small doorways and alleys. They also move to reflect emotions, such as excitement and sadness.
The ears seem to be made of the same mysterious material as the mounts, while the main portion of her bowl-like tail is made of a darker polished material. They are far lighter than they seem.

Personal background:
I designed Naeboria in class a while back. I took heavy inspiraton from Breath of the Wild for her design and name. THIS IS NOT A FULL COLORED VERSION OF THIS CHARACTER. I DO plan on getting one out at some point though. I really love this character and think that she's pretty cute.

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