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Mythics; Tale of 2 Chapter 1

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MinecartDrivers's Avatar MinecartDrivers
Level 43 : Master Blob
chapter 1: the awakening
nick felt the cold breeze on his face
his eyes were clamped tight as he was asleep
"NO". he shouted waking up from his horrible nightmare.
he saw his biggest love next to him, still asleep
he sighed as he noticed the stars were out,
he got out of bed and he noticed he was half asleep.
when he walked out it, he shuttered "its freezing" he muttered.
Good thing i slept with my pants on.he thought
he heard shuffling behind him
"Nick" he heard her call "we're having kids!"
nick's eyes bolted open
"WHAT!!" he shouted
"quick you have to go vortex is coming" He called as she ran
"i'll send one of my guards to keep them safe,GO ON RUN"
he sat down."What now he kept .repeating himself all night"What now?
CreditChapter 1 is written by Nickmandont!!! Please check out his PMC

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06/11/2012 10:31 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
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