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Mystery Forest Prt 2

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MelDarkthrop's Avatar MelDarkthrop
Level 31 : Artisan Pony

  It was moving day. Aveylon cried in her mother's arms. She didn't want to leave her home she always knew. She was only 6. What would a parent expect? The 6 year old to go peacefully? Aveylon stop crying and they got in the car and moved away from their empty house.

  Hours went by, the sun was at it's peak and the ground was hot on Aveylon's bear feet.
"MOOOOM! Its too hot!!" Aveylon whined.
"Get in the house then deary!" her father called. All the neighbors where out and about meeting the new family. Another child, near the same age as Aveylon found her and ran up to her.
"HI! I'm Darren! Darren Shawn!" He stuck his hand out to Aveylon.
"I'm Aveylon! Nice to meet you Darren!" She thrusts her hand into his outstreched one and shook firmly.
"I wouldn't go into that forest." Darren said after they shook hands.
"Why not? Seems fun and mysterious!" Aveylond quipped.
"Rumor says two girls that use to live in that house you moved into died in there!" Darren's eyes went wide with fear.
"COWARD! COWARD! DARRENS A COWARD" the 6 year old girl chanted. 
"Am not!" Darren pouted and stomped his foot.
"Then prove it!" Aveylon started to run into the forest. The fog rolled in making Aveylon only a small dark figure in the fog. Darren ran after her until he reached the entrance to the forest. He gulped, sweat trinkling down his temples. Aveylon's chants rung out softly. Darren pushed his fear away and ran in after her calling her name.
"Aveylon come on! Lets get out of here!" Darren shouted, following Aveylon's small black figure. Another dark figure approached the smaller one. A buff figure. Aveylon's voice stopped. Darren slowly moved forward as the taller, bulker black figures raised what looked like a cleaver up and then swiftly down. The metal cutting into Aveylon. Aveylon's scream peirced the silence and Darren screamed as well. The wind started to howl and Darren turned around and ran for the parents.
"Mama!! Papi!!!" Darren yelled trying to get out of the forest. He say where he came and kicked up his speed but tripped on something big. He looked back and saw a large figure looming above him.
"Poor Aveylon... Her only friend.... abonded her in a time of need... you've seen to much... time to dispose of the evidence..." the figure grinned evily, his teeth sharp and reflecting in the dark and his arm was raised up, and came down to quick for Darren to react and was sliced cleanly down the middle.

Minutes later, the parents were yelling in the forest and found Darren split in two. His mother howled in grief and hugged her dead son. The others tried to find Aveylon but her body was no where to be found...

       Thanks for readin! 

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09/21/2015 9:53 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
*shivers* Ever so creepy. Wonderfully so. :)
01/31/2015 3:36 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Chairs's Avatar
Oh my god, please tell me what happened to Aveylon's body. :P
01/31/2015 6:08 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
MelDarkthrop's Avatar
Nope ^^
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