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My Wallpaper Art

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
So, remember that post I made showing a PM I sent to my alt (for reminders) with a bunch of NovaSkin wallpapers linked? Here’s what I did with them.

My Wallpaper Art
ClayMan1077, we’re in trouble…

My Wallpaper Art
DreamWanderer, BlueBoyBuilds, and McMeddon have some work to do.

My Wallpaper Art
Tzyber’s on a mission…

I see Greief still goes on his strange misadventures. Aren’t these things extinct? He really is fracturing reality and order.

Aspirin60, look what I did with your skin. It’s time for war, and this battle is a matter of life and death…

Gamers having a gamer night, featuring me (skin by r a i n b o w), OrderOutOfChaos, TheCrypteral, and ShadowOnTheLoose.

After we game, we gotta sleep, so here’s the four of us in our room, plus the demon child (made by Guts N Pixels) in the crib.

Well, Tzy got CrownDeluxe. Well, we’re not gonna see Tem ever again.

Hey, it’s old me pulling a sword out of the obsidian under Hell’s Island! Ah, memories.

Clay, chill! I’m just sailing through a field of burning ships! Oh, is it because the one day I take a day off from pirating is the day we get raided? Just get me onboard and I’ll fight!

A throne room, perfect for the King of Hell’s Island (even though I’m not a king anymore). Here we have my royal guards (who are, in real life, Minecraft friends I don’t hang out with anymore), Shepplaz and Flying Iguana (skins by Endalore), Tem and TheMcPig looking at the dragon egg, Chaos and his girlfriend dueling, the other Chaos petting a dog, Blue looking up at the Ender dragon, and Clay climbing up to fight a spider. Oh, and what’s this? TheGlitchedRobin and Tzyber are trying to stage a heist and assassinate me? Shep, Iguana, get them!

The Dark Lord, Chaos, with his minions, GhostlyBit_57 (skin by LogMaiden), DarkRob333, Haza (skin by Guts N Pixels), and DarkGEBM666 (skin by Pacifity). If you’re wondering why Firestar or Aspirin are missing from this (I say “or” because Haza’s the only non-high-ranking Cryptic Family member and thus the only one who shouldn’t be here), it’s because neither of them have downloadable persona skins I can use for this.

Description for the title image:
This is, once again, related to the new 3.0 update to the lore blog, the Multiverse Update. In this scene, we can see four versions of IGEBM - me, GameBoy me (made by howsay), IGEBM MKII (made by Guts N Pixels), and IGEimus Prime (made by ClayMan1077) - battling a cosmically-powered version of us.

I am aware that some of the layers in the wallpapers are missing. I’m on mobile, it’s late, and I wanna get this out, hence why I’m posting it now.
CreditNovaSkin for the wallpapers

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by IGEBM 03/31/2023 6:53:58 amMar 31st, 2023

Tagged the people (including who made the IGEBM Green skin, because I forgot their name last night)

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04/01/2023 6:33 am
Level 40 : Master Network
FE98's Avatar
Why I Am The Forgotter💀
04/01/2023 6:46 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
You can be in the next wallpaper blog
Guts N Pixels
03/31/2023 4:07 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
Thanks for showing two of my skins...yes demon child of ice cream and its father...
03/31/2023 4:33 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Np (also I actually showed three)
And please, pick up that demon. It ate all our ice cream.
Guts N Pixels
03/31/2023 8:38 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Collective
Guts N Pixels's Avatar
Where's the third? It is not recommended to touch the demon until it is full on ice cream...
03/31/2023 3:06 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
I like it.
03/31/2023 11:56 am
Level 45 : Master Procrastinator Lad
Darkfap's Avatar
That last one is awesome.
03/31/2023 11:47 am
Any/All • Level 50 : Grandmaster Meme Birb
TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
I would NEVER do such a thing
03/31/2023 11:48 am
Any/All • Level 50 : Grandmaster Meme Birb
TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
I was just pushed off the ceiling
03/31/2023 10:10 am
He/Him • Level 44 : Master Lemon Cake
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
Why would Tzy kill me, I'm like their and Molten's subordinate!
[​I've never betrayed either of them yet]
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