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My ultimate Orange SMP review.

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Ender Sparkle's Avatar Ender Sparkle
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
[​The VHS tape contents are present on the TV screen. The only video begins to play.]

Hello there.
Today I want to review Orange SMP based on my overall experience in 3 sessions I was a part of. Please do not take this blog as a hate submission, rather as an advice from an experienced player. It is extremely honest, maybe even controversial. Reader discretion is advised.

But first, a quick summary of the context. Orange SMP is a survival server hosted by ItzOrangey, a well known PMCer and a small streamer. Server has a few QoL plugins, and even has its own discord (which I'm not a part of).

1st iteration: First Season
I don't have a lot to say here. I joined, seeing everyone in full diamonds and netherites. There was a nice guy who wanted my head and he would give some loot in exchange. I did the request, hid in a base deep inside a mine (which was labeled as BlueBoyBuilds' btw), that was griefed, unfortunately. Mosty because I stole everyone's heads, idk why tho. Maybe that idea came from that request? I don't know. I was confused, trying to fit in. One day I just got bored and not logged in... Until Orangey has done a server reset, thus beginning the second iteration.
2nd iteration: Second Season
I started out quite well. I thrived. But one day, I got into an endless limbo of regaining and losing my items over and over. EccentricEremite, sorry that you had to see that circus show of being constantly reminded by chat that I continously died over and over. I lost hope again, and 1.21 reboot saved me.
3rd iteration: 1.21 Reboot
My final chance. I went full survivalist here, as I always wanted. Made a town at spawn called Enderville, even promoted _Abstract_vison_ to its Vice Mayor. Then, my dear friends DoomStryker and Timofefe joined the server and built their bases far from spawn, so I managed to dig some tunnels to spawn, build my house called Tophat Manor near theirs and overall have a lot of fun. But the day I post this blog... Something terrible happened. A horrifying calamity. 2 days earlier, there was already something wrong. I came to spawn to collect wheat seeds from Silabear's farm, (no ping bc staff) when I looked around and saw that the ENTIRE spawn was devastated. All of the bases consisted of like two dozens of random flying blocks. There was a player who had their tiny base at spawn, ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul. Her base was a carved red mushroom with a gold axolotl aquarium and chest barely filled with extremely early game loot. There was no material reason for grief, let alone any drama since Ghoul haven't logged into the game for a while. Even her base was devastated. Two days later, I became a victim of a raid myself. A gentleman called ExtremeGames contacted me with a notice that my and 2 nearby bases were destroyed. I barely managed to get into the game, and sadly, he was right. I lived near rest of the Nuggetrio, like I said. Their bases were griefed too.

Here is DoomStryker's base. It wasn't even finished!My ultimate Orange SMP review.

And here are bases of mine and Timofey. I at least thought forward and built the base with stone instead, but I still got looted, left without my axolotl (which is most likely dead, o7) and tophat roof. Timofey was the unluckiest of us all. He had the prettiest base, which is now same mere random blocks as at spawn.
My ultimate Orange SMP review.

I understand that this was supposed to be a semi-anarchy server, but none of us did anything bad to anyone, and yet we still got griefed.

The following rules were broken:
- No grief overdose (this is way to much grief)
- No killing pets (they killed my axolotl 😭)
- No bullying (Panda_Unknown)
- Be civil (Moose4343)
- Keep things neat (that's why I'm writing this)
- Don't be destructive (look at the images and the actual game locations)
- Keep spawn neat (Not only Enderville is OBLITERATED, technically our bases were at spawn too [​500x500])

I will never play on this server ever again.
I gave this server 3 chances, all of them wasted. There is too much toxicity, grief and chaos. Thank Panda_Unknown and Moose4343 for this madness. DoomStryker also left, Timofey will probably too.

Overall rating: 4/10. At first, community there seems united, but over time there is too much chaos. I would not recommend playing.

Thanks to all non-toxic members that I had fun playing with.

Sparkle out.

[​VHS tape insert opens back, returning the recording. You can do whatever you want.]

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07/09/2024 12:39 am
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Sus Nerd
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
I knew things were bad. Yknow first season. When I had a full on secret base and base and they both got destroyed after my first base which got destroyed twice then my new base that also got destroyed
Ender Sparkle
07/09/2024 12:55 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
I remember stealing everyone's heads for no reason in Season 1 lol
Eh... I'm going to a different server.
07/09/2024 12:38 am
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Sus Nerd
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
Wait did Goldielocks die?!
Ender Sparkle
07/09/2024 12:54 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
Yes 😭
07/06/2024 1:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
In hindsight I probably reacted wrong in my previous comment, so here is what I'd like to say:
So, the server is kind of advertised as a semi-anarchy server with wars, etc. I can't really ban people for trying to start wars.
Additionally, things like the "don't grief too much rule", and the like are kind of subjective.
But I am sorry for your negative experience. I hope you can find a server that fits your criteria :D
07/06/2024 11:55 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Professor Nerd
Kiryutojo's Avatar
Note I am not trying to be rude here so please don't take what I'm about to say as such. I'm just giving feedback.

While yes the SMP is advertised to have wars but not to the point of full on griefing according to the rules, it's not subjective at all. But let's say this didn't broke the Don't grief too much, Keep things (somewhat) neat, Don't be destructive and Keep Spawn (500x500) neat rules... (somehow)

Well there's still the No killing pets rule. There is no other way to look at it. The rule was clearly broken. Maybe this hadn't happen before to this level but you need to add some anti-griefing plugins. If you are unable to do that then just remove the don't grief rule since it's just false advertising if anyone is allowed to destroy bases along with spawn to this level.

07/06/2024 1:23 pm
Any/All • Level 23 : Expert Artist Skinner
Random-guy's Avatar
As I said, at first I was going to play, you, Doom and Timofey were there, I consider you friends, I see that the server is chaos, that you can't be calm, that also thanks to Timofey I saw things in the chat that I didn't like, and Honestly, due to the toxicity that you 3 are witnesses, the grief and the bad reception I had (to enter social groups even online, I think because of shyness I need someone I trust, I felt like an unimportant stranger) I won't play either
Ender Sparkle
07/06/2024 1:32 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
If we ever would have our own SMP, I would ask to whitelist you. Or you would do it first. You know the point.
07/06/2024 1:33 pm
Any/All • Level 23 : Expert Artist Skinner
Random-guy's Avatar
Yeah, I know,and thanks
07/06/2024 1:10 pm
Level 42 : Master Wolf Wolf
ItzOrangey's Avatar
pov: you didn't realize that the server was for having wars
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