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My Thoughts About Withers

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HydroGaming940's Avatar HydroGaming940
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
My thoughts about withers are that they are too dangerous to ever spawn on survival in minecraft and if you do spawn them in creative keep them far away from the stuff you built and personally i think it is reckless that anyone would ever spawn a wither in survival with out diamond armour and weapons it woud be stupid anyway just dont spawwn a wither in surviva with out good equimpment or you will die anyway in creative if you have built nothing it wouldprobably be best spawn a wither thn in surviva it would be as hard as crap. seriously though withers are dangerous and should not be taken as non threats

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Manuel64XD 0_0
10/29/2015 8:51 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Manuel64XD 0_0's Avatar
Write this command /gamerule mobGriefing false
so that it cannot destroy anything
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