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My Orange SMP History. (All of it.)

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Panda_Jqcks0n's Avatar Panda_Jqcks0n
Level 25 : Expert uwu Princess
Back in July or August (I can't remember which) I joined ItzOrangey's Orange SMP S1, and I got myself started, getting myself some wood tools and some stone tools aswell. Some time after that I met Panda_Tyger and Panda_Wolfe and they gave me all the "rules". No trusting people, stuff like that. After a while I had gotten fairly far into the game but I was feeling burnout with Minecraft and took a 2-3 week break. After my burnout I was playing Minecraft and I saw Orange SMP and I thought "wonder if I'm still whitelisted" and I was! But I saw a new spawn, and I had nothing, so I got regeared and made a 1x1 wood tower not too far from spawn and made a 5x5 platform at the top and that was my base for a while. After I had expanded and made BREAD BRIDGE 2.0. Then I made a floating house and a sheep pen (getting those sheep up there were a pain) and after a while I made floating islands, 1 under my house (as land) and 1 to get up to my base. A while after that there was a lot of people on at once, some of those people being F1shy, BaerCubs, and ItzOrangey. Nearly everyone was at spawn and Baercubs gave me a shulker box with some diamond tools and armor inside! And one day I wanted to go to the public gunpowder farm but I left all my valueables in my chest in case I died and couldn't get back. (for reference the gunpowder farm was like 2500 away from a player with no elytra's base). And I get all my gunpowder and my base, it's gone. It looked like a TNT grief as there was some that was unexploded. So essentially the only things I had to my name were an iron pickaxe and some bread. After the griefing I lived in TheMountaineer's cozy cottage for a while before making a house for myself. One day Panda_Aberdokki made a return and asked for my head. (the server has a head drop plugin dw). I said ok and he killed me and took only my head. After that, again Panda_Aberdokki was up to some things, and he lured me out and killed me, but only took my head again and I had grudge held against him. *Foreshadowing?* In late November my friends Not_using_haxs and Witherbeast joined the server and Wither met his friend MLG_Zombie *he never logs back on after this*. Haxs made a log cabin and Wither made Sandy's dome from Spongebob. On December sixth Aberdokki joins the game and me, Wither, Fishy, Aber and bigotato are all chilling at spawn, however, I still had that grudge and I try to jump Aber, him almost dying in the process, but, we agree to a fair 1v1. It did not go well for me, let's just say that. But I come back to spawn and my (nearly) maxxed netherite armor and sword are gone. ItzOrangey logs on and things get pretty bad, Aber cussing and Orangey unfortunatley bans Aber. The aftermath that was left in the Discord, not good. Not good at all. Orangey gets my stuff back and things go on how they did before. Me and Haxs started a team: Team Friendship! So far the members are me, Haxs, Sailven (RIP his account), D1zguised, and if he gets unbanned, Aber. And thats my history with Orange SMP as of right now, and I hope to have more stories to tell. AND THE TIME FOR MORE STORIES IS NOW WOOOOOOOOOOO MORE STUFF TO TELL! AnYwAyS, a LOT happened since the last time I checked on this, so I'll go over those right now. Sailven and Wither started a branch off of Orangey's team called the Builder's Team or something, I don't know I don't really like them that much. The members of that team are Wither, Sailven, The_Cats_Apple120, Hazelyn (Idk, my memory's the same as a fish and it was a complicated user), SatoshiHikari/anonpmc4790192, and some other people that I can't remember/don't care about. Awhile after dropping the whole entirety of Builder's Team, Aber got unbanned, so I came and greeted him. We traded some stuff, and got eachother geared. A day after that, Cubert_4x4 and Fishy sued Aber, Cubert being the lawyer and Fishy being... whatever the other guy's called, I can't remember. I tried being the lawyer for Aber, and that went... about as well as you could expect from someone with no lawyer experience. They did some stuff, and then people started dying. After the whole court case, D1z was swearing a lot, which is understandable, especially because Aber was enabling him, but that resulted in D1z getting banned. It's safe to say Aber and me were a little upset, and we were saying some things in chat, I honestly don't really remember what I said, but it resulted in me getting banned, and Aber getting re-banned ONE DAY after he got unbanned *shakes head in disapproval*. But yeah, that's actually the end of this blog, as I think Season Three is happening? I might be unbanned for that but I'm not entirely sure. Until next time.
CreditItzOrangey, Not_using_haxs, Panda_Wolfe, Panda_Tyger, Witherbeast7379, Commander_F1shy, Baercubs, MLG_Zombie, bigotato, Panda_Aberdokki

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Panda_Jqcks0n 05/19/2024 10:26:15 pmMay 19th

Added up-to-date stories.

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05/19/2024 11:36 pm
Level 27 : Expert Professor
Cubert_4x4's Avatar
o7 I hope you get unbanned :)
05/19/2024 11:33 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Sus Nerd
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
Ig I didn't exist /jk
05/19/2024 11:50 pm
Any/All • Level 25 : Expert uwu Princess
Panda_Jqcks0n's Avatar
shit, lowkey forgor about you, uhmm..... I can add you if you'd like?
05/20/2024 12:16 am
She/Her • Level 40 : Master Sus Nerd
ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
It's okay ya don't need to
01/06/2024 1:44 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Goblin
bigotato's Avatar
:0 I was mentioned!
01/06/2024 12:54 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Carrot Cake
Panda_Tyger's Avatar
woooooooo I'm there
01/06/2024 12:32 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Warrior
F1shy's Avatar
Epic. I really like it when ppl do this sort of thing.
01/06/2024 12:08 pm
Level 20 : Expert Mage
Panda_Aberdokki's Avatar
He got he sstuff back 0_o didn't know that lol
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