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My Opinion on Server Blacklisting

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Morphtato's Avatar Morphtato
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
As many of you heard, Mojang recently decided to blacklist Minecraft servers who aren't in compliance with the EULA. As a server owner, I believe that this is actually a good thing. Yes, people are angry because their favorite server is now blacklisted, and they have every right to be angry. However, these people need to realize that these servers had plenty of warnings and time to adapt to the new EULA. The reason these servers are blacklisted is because they refused to adapt to these changes. Therefore, they dug themselves into their own hole, which they may not be able to get out of now.

When I initially heard of the new EULA, I was disappointed at first, as with most others. However, over time I adapted my server at the time to make sure it was compliant to the EULA. The changes to the EULA mostly affected pay to win (P2W) servers. I hate P2W servers simply because you never will get the intended server experience, unless you pay money.

However, I believe Mojang could have made it more clearly to the affected servers that this was going to occur. In addition, they could have made a simplified appeal process for the owners of affected servers. At the end of the day however, I feel that this was necessary. In the long run, Multiplayer will become fairer for everyone, which was the whole point of this.

NOTE: This blacklist is only effective as of version 1.9.3 r2. Any previous version will still let you connect to the affected servers.

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04/30/2016 10:45 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
The servers that didn't follow the rules were warned months in advance. They even admit on Twitter that they aren't surprised that they were blocked, per se, but that they actually went through with it.
04/30/2016 10:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
diablox234's Avatar
what exactly is EULA?
04/30/2016 11:47 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Morphtato's Avatar
The End User License Agreement
05/01/2016 2:15 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
tobbestark's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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