Minecraft Blogs / Review

My Opinion on 1.11 (Minecon 2016, 9/25/16)

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ThisIsMystic's Avatar ThisIsMystic
Level 46 : Master Answer
Welcome to 1.11 the exploration update!, This update is filled with all kinds of treasures!, Lets get started.

* They added Curse Enchants
* They added Treasure Maps
* A new villager type, Cartographer
* Illagers (Vex, and two other confusing named ones)
* Ocean Exploration Map
* Woodlands Exploration Map
* Woodlands Mansion (Illagers spawn here)
* Llamas (They will spit at wolfs)

For more details visit Mojang (Updated Link!)

My Opinion:

I feel that Minecraft has lacked a lot lately, This meaning that from 1.0-1.7.10 the updates were kind of just eh, you know, they were not bad, but they were not good. But then 1.8 came and that sparked a lot for me and that update was a good one, then 1.9, also good, then 1.10, also good. Then the big bad 1.11 was announced and people freaked about this update because of the fact this update is possibly the best update since 1.0, My personal opinion on 1.11 was a real shock/amazement kind of feel, At first I thought all the videos showing 1.11 were fake, then I realized, they were not fake and I was in complete amazement, I cannot wait for 1.11 because it is the best update ever. (Snapshots have released!)
CreditMojang (they made minecraft!)

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by ThisIsMystic 09/30/2016 5:10:48 pmSep 30th, 2016

Fixed blog so it says Snapshots of 1.11 came out!

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Papa Enny
12/02/2020 10:26 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
I feel old when 1.11 came in 2016
12/02/2020 2:12 pm
Level 46 : Master Answer
ThisIsMystic's Avatar
Same here. I especially feel old considering I began playing in the 1.7 era, and now we are in 1.17...
Papa Enny
12/02/2020 4:11 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar

And now compare 1.11 and 1.17
Huge difference
10/01/2016 5:04 am
Level 73 : Legendary Pokemon
Shireen's Avatar
I agree with your review and:
1.8 was by far the best Minecraft update, 1.10 wasn't all that and I was quite disappointed with it - as a Minecraft YouTuber I can say that so far 1.11 looks very promising and much better than 1.10.
10/03/2016 6:29 pm
Level 46 : Master Answer
ThisIsMystic's Avatar
Yeah, just wait until they release more snapshots of 1.11, I heard they may add more blocks in the upcoming 1.11 snapshots, but it may not happen at the same time.
10/04/2016 1:25 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Pokemon
Shireen's Avatar
Let's hope; 1.11 needs to be amazing because 1.10 was so bad. I want them to add a new realm and some more new structures.
true buttercreeper6
09/28/2016 4:15 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Fish
true buttercreeper6's Avatar
What type of enchants are "Curse Enchants"? cause they sound fascinating!
09/30/2016 5:07 pm
Level 46 : Master Answer
ThisIsMystic's Avatar
Curse of binding - Works on armor and once you enchant your armor with Curse of binding you cannot take it off until you die

Curse of Vanishing - Apply to your weapon and when you die, poof, it just... Disappears

There are only two of them, Maybe they will add more in the future though
true buttercreeper6
09/30/2016 8:13 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Fish
true buttercreeper6's Avatar
Thanks! I would find the binding one to be interesting for maps. Like having a Metroid on you.
09/26/2016 7:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Vasch's Avatar
I don't think their recent updates were a good idea. It's turned from a survival game to a fantasy rpg game.
1.8 and before were the golden days. Any update past that feels like a useless modpack that you can't turn off...
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