Minecraft Blogs / Other

My Minecraft Journey So Far | My 1st Blog! | Sept 24, 2k16

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AprilMineStar's Avatar AprilMineStar
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hey guys!

My username is AprilMineStar, but you can call me April, and here's the story of my Minecraft journey as my first ever blog on PMC!

I've been playing Minecraft for about five years, starting in 2011 when my two best friends at the time started playing it. Heh, I remember one of them telling me I wouldn't like it, but boi were they wrong. Minecraft has essentially been my life ever since then, I fell in love with the game. I would play it every day on the Pocket Edition as April, along with one of those best friends of mine anytime they could come round for a play date.

A year or two later was when I decided to start playing the PC edition, since all the popular Youtubers back then would play it, and still do. I remember having a tough time getting my account organised, with the help of my dad, of course, since I was only about 9 and didn't know a thing about computer technology. My username was MillyMiner, yeah, I have a habit of picking cringey usernames, don't ask. When we finally got it up and running, my dad walked out of the room to leave me to have a play, but shortly came back into the room after hearing me crying at the fact that I couldn't place blocks automatically. Macs, ammiright? I remember having a play and being completely and utterly astonished at the differences between the PE and PC editions, the PC having a lot more features, which of course I had to try out. I still have the world I first built, I built a roller coaster and an arena filled with a bunch of iron golems which I called "The Golem Games". Everything went smoothly at first until I took a little break from Minecraft to try and take up other hobbies like the piano and horse riding, which, since it's me we're talking about here, didn't last long at all. So I came back after a month or two and saw I was logged out of my account. "Cool!" I thought, "I'll just log back in!" but of course, I forgot my password. I didn't even write it down anywhere, I promised myself I'd remember it but I broke that promise. Devastated, I burst out crying like the crybaby I was, told my parents and basically had a tantrum.

After that, I went back to the PE until I saw one of those best friends of mine (well, the only one I had left, the other one kind of went a separate way from us after a while) playing the Xbox 360 edition. It looked so fun, I had to get it. I begged my mum to get it for me for Christmas and she did! It was the best Christmas present I'd ever had, and I played that edition with my best friend until our hands were aching from pressing our controller's buttons and our heads were burning from the headaches we got from our TVs. I can remember it all, we made so many worlds together, and invited several of our school friends to play with us too! And that's when she decided to get the PC edition. She adored it as I did, and begged me to try to get it again, so I did, and from that day on I played on the PC edition of Minecraft as AprilMineStar!

So yeah, that's the story of how my Minecraft life evolved. If ye wanna see more blogs, please tell me (I probably will anyway) and yeah! I'll see y'all later, GOOD DAY!


April's Blog | Sept 24, 2k16

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09/28/2016 1:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CaptainAmerica__'s Avatar
Cool story. I have a really different 1.

Love the quality, keep on going
10/01/2016 2:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AprilMineStar's Avatar
Thank you for your feedback! <3
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