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My lets play rant

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jfree96's Avatar jfree96
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
Ok. This is going to sound harsh. I just want to say this up front. I have no intentions of offending anyone. Please do not get upset. If you are, dont even bother commenting.

Here goes.

Let's Plays. The Minecraft sensation. Well creating them is a sensation at least. I don't know how many lets plays are being watched. I dont like them for so many reasons. Its not just because their is 1 million different series of them out on youtube. Its not just the fact that 12 year olds with a mic think that they can be the next big youtube star. 12-14 year olds are Minecraft's main demographic, but they really get on my nerves sometimes. But that is a different rant. Wow I got off topic fast. Anyway, I just want to say that I am against lets plays. They really aren't interesting anymore. Where has creativity gone? Don't get me wrong, Captain Sparkelz does a great lets play, but the 1 million other ones out there are not interesting in the slightest.

The point of a rant is to evoke change. So here is my challenge. I want to see the most original, undiscovered minecraft video, and I want to promote it. Post the link of it in the comments. I will post my next blog of the most original video submission I received. I guess the point of this challenge is to reward creativity.

Yes, I got off topic. But this rant was about the death of creativity really. I just can't stand the lack of effort and thought people put into their work.

Wow, I need to stop rambling. Thanks for reading. If you agree of have something to discuss, drop a diamond and a comment. I want to hear what you have to say. Comment with your opinion!

Thanks again for reading.

Yours with love,


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05/27/2013 10:13 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Darkus4223's Avatar
I spot a typo
08/01/2012 1:24 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
jkfgnhejkrfhws's Avatar
yep creativity needs the be revived and also does anyone wanna play on my hamachi server theres a blog in my profile about it
08/01/2012 1:17 am
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
TeamDynamo's Avatar
I agree! We need creativity
08/01/2012 12:03 am
Level 21 : Expert Archer
57391130's Avatar
How bout PaperbatVG? He never does a lets play with out mods.
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