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My Lake Bridge, Brick House Strikes Back, and Return of the Plans!

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Sea0tter's Avatar Sea0tter
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Hello everybody! -theme song-

I think theme songs should be more apparent in TV shows these days. Even if the producers don't think so, I think it really adds a lot to the shows, and keeps more people coming back. Simple things like Lost's "theme song" are great, and beats having nothing. Especially if you have a mysterious show like that where jovialness must be delicately implimented. However, A true theme song is has an extraordinary charm to the well-being television I think.............................................................

THE BRIDGE!! And my Brick house base!! :) I actually finished it on Sunday, but when I began playing, I decided that I wanted to finish making my brick house feel more complete. My farming has been enjoyable and gives me something more to do during my Minecraft playing! During my building, I was also transferring most items from my treehouse and my sandhouse to my new brick house. I am very happy that it has become such a nice home base! :) In the meanwhile, I was reading that I could get records from having a skeleton shoot a creeper dead. I wanted to be up for this challenge, and so on the way back from my treehouse, it was night time, and I had arrows to use. I hit a creeper 4 times as suggested, and kept running away from it until I found a skeleton. The skeleton hit me once, and it was fun, and adrenaline racing! I kept having to run around to get different angles, so as not to get the creeper too close, and to get the skeleton closer. Eventually, I was able to get it, and I almost wanted to do it again, but my inventory was near full from being in the middle of transferring, and the sun was rising. Also, I was already feeling cherishing of my new gold record. (Gasp! A modern piece of technology!! OMGZ!11)

In the meanwhile of building and transferring, I read that there were actually TWO records, and that the gold one I got would play eerie music, while a green one would play jovial, playful music (both by C418 of course). I wanted to grab it! So over the next minecraft night time, I racked up a green record, and another gold! Awesome! I knew I needed a record player, but I was unsure whether I wanted to use one of my 8 diamonds. Right now I am unsure whether I want to make body armor, another sword (i lost my other one in a lava pit death), or a pick for mining obsidian. I think I will wait on the pick, although I am unsure whether I want to try out the body armor, or stick with a 2-hit killer sword again. In the meantime, I am fine with the armor and sword of iron.

The Bridge

I have wanted to make a bridge over my lake, ever since I implemented my new waterfall/lake. After long thinking, I decided that I would build the outside of birchwood, so I decided I definitely needed some birch trees! Thanks to the recent update of unique saplings, it was a lot easier, and look less time than I thought would be needed to gather resources :)

The bridge itself was quite fun work! I first had to decide whether I wanted one long bridge, or two bridges, and an island in the middle of the lake. I first made one long bridge, and thinking about it, I was sure that I wanted an island in the middle. So I divided the bridge into different sections, and basically took the middle section out, and built bridges down from the split ends. Then I had to make the island. It was neat spending the effort to make the island as natural as possible, and I also had to grab some sand to replace the new dirt underwater to blend better with the lake bottom :)

What was quite a kick in my butt was the fact that the dirt island I just made would not turn into grass. I found out after reading that I needed to have natural grass next to dirt to make it happen! So I decided to just make a 2 block wide dirt bridge to the shore, and waited until it spread to my island. After this, I had to deal with currents and fix them, but it was worth it, because I think it looked pretty nice in the end! :)

Here is a pic before the island was green. I also had planned for sure to have a circular pathway around a pretty birch tree:

Here's a pic of the solution:

When the grass finally spread to the island, I took out the dirt bridges for the grass, and took this shot:

And finally...ze finish (well, almost, but you get the point)! :)

As you can see, I've definitely done some work to my brick house in the process, and so I'll talk about that...

More Brick Home Improvement

The brick house I knew was going to be my new current base. Eventually I would add a castle, and a bunch of other things, but this would be my primary base of operations. Eventually I will also create lower levels like I said before. While building the bridge, I knew I needed birchwood, so I started growing birch on the other side of my house, which just kind of turned into an idea for a treefarm! I love the look of it, but I want to be able to add other houses around, like a kind of village, so I'm not sure whether I want to keep it or not. If you have ideas and want to do my thinking for me, let me know!

Otherwise, I kind of like it :) While building the bridge, I also added a pathway across the bridge, and HAD to make it extend to shore. This will make me happier with my world as a whole, pathing it all up. So I grabbed some simple sand, and made paths to my house, and two farms! I am unsure how I want to go with the path on the other side of the bridge, and how to connect it to my sand house and beyond, etc. Perhaps on the sand I will turn it into a woodplank pathway?

Anyway, here are some pics!
Oh, I never showed my farm off fully, but here it is! :) I am still playing around with the arrangement, and to not make it look too watery, or too dry, or awkward, but I think it's not too much of any of those things right now -hopes-

Lovin' the wheat I grab out of it :) Making a cake is so much more realistic. I actually made one (completing my second to last achievement needed! The last one being the Minecart one. My track is only half a kilometer). I really love the cake, how i can place it, and just click it to eat in my house, like it's my own healing station. I am going to make another, and plan to make a wood counter to put it on.

Which reminds me...I might have mentioned this, but I have transferred almost everything to this house! I will probably put a lot of it on the lower levels when they exist, but in the meantime I'm liking my home, and feel very comfortable.


NEXT I am so out in the open. It's one of the reasons why I haven't been playing because I can't decide on what to do next. On the small mountainside next to my tree farm, after mining coal out of it, I have thought of making a rock house in the rockiness. It would be up high a little, and would have a neat way of entering. Also, the hill behind my house, I want to add a house on top of it, and a couple smaller houses going up it. Besides doing a little tiny more to my brick house interior, and adding lower floors, I also came up with an idea I am very excited about (gasp! excited!!):

Yes, the desert next to my lake, I was thinking of running a river from it to the other side, but was then unsure. I have only studied the land on cartographer and barely seen it on the actual game. So when I play next, I will want to go exploring for sure :)
It looks like there's a nice mountain of sand that almost turns into a little caveinlet...of sand. I am thinking I will clear the entire colossal sand mountain, and use that sand to make sandstone, to then make a sand kingdom. I would have a sand palace, and a bustling-like town. I am very excited as well on how I want to make a wall, and want to add a cool defense system involving cactus. Though, I am fearful I will make it newbish, which holds me back. I also will have to decide the borders on the kingdom, and wall. I am very excited on the wall especially, but will have to do some thought on the palace and layout of the town among it.

In the meantime for the sand kingdom, I will definately be exploring, and may or may not choose to do the clearing of the sand mountain right now. If I do though, I am thinking during the clearing labour, I will have lots of time to think about what my sand palace should look like. If anyone has any suggestions, I have looked at tons of vids, but anyone with advice or have any direction to point me in, let me know!

Otherwise, I think I will wait on my castle, and the stuff across the river, and focus on the stuff around the lake, or the sand kingdom. I am excited for planning the sand lands!

As always, suggestions and criticism are beyond awesome, and I hope you have enjoyed my blog once more! :)

Farewell 'till next time,

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04/28/2011 10:04 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
caseyds620's Avatar
Not bad, Hope to see updates
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