Minecraft Blogs / Story

My Journey Threw Biomes

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i4sheep's Avatar i4sheep
Level 42 : Master Skinner
My story of my Journey it starts here

it was a normal day clouds white and lovely it was a perfect day to travel to biomes i've never explored i grabbed everything i needed and grabbed my pickaxe i was ready i stepped out the door and days later i reached a biome it was the sand biome it felt over 100 degree's in weather the sun was hot clouds weren't blocking the sun i heard there was a biome that had mushrooms to pick from and i couldn't wait so i tried traveling there

On the journey there i made a fire and stopped for the night before i put out the fire i released i could lead monsters here and be killed in my sleep i quickly packed up my bags and raced out of the camp running to get to a mountain biome where mobs wouldn't mess with my journey i brushed up the way and i finally made it. quickly after i made a fire and set up my tent went to sleep woke up early at sun rise packed up and left.

heading towards another biome i could explore i was excited and ready i finally made it to a swamp biome it was foggy and cold and it was peaceful i passed by a witch hut i knew from experience not to go into them so i left it alone and kept on moving hours later i reached a sign saying DEAD END and it was but it was another biome the Ocean biome a lovely place to swim and ride boats i placed a boat and went twisting pass the biome i finally

saw further away was a biome i had been looking for i went faster and made it there i collected mushrooms and made a house there now i own a house and an island with mushroom cows and mushrooms i couldn't wish for anything more lovely in my life but this is what makes me a minecrafter


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07/30/2016 8:27 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Vulgros's Avatar
I don't know why, but your story is unfinished. Please fix it.
Planet Minecraft


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