Minecraft Blogs / Interview

My Interview with Inspirinq

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Artsy_Lady's Avatar Artsy_Lady
Level 38 : Artisan Unicorn
hey and hello! this is an interview with the lovely Inspirinq!
I told her she could be as silly or as serious with these questions as she would like.
so without further ado, here's the interview!
I rhymed :3
Question is Purple, Answer is blue

Why did you join PMC?
I joined PMC because of my sister. I had created an account before her but didn’t start using it until she began her account. I’m glad she got me interested in this site. :D

What’s your favorite Color(s)?
Royal blue and any pastel color

What’s your favorite food(s)?
Fried rice, California turkey clubs, Sour Patch Kids, and strawberries

How long do you plan on staying alive on PMC?
Umm, a long time I guess ?? I’m not leaving any time soon.

Who do you think has the best hair on PMC?
If we are talking skin-wise, IshSleepy or Chabilulu. I hate picking favorites though. xD

Who was the first person to subscribe to you?
My sister because I told her to. >:3

What's your trigger word?
Umm, I don’t actually know at the moment.

Do you have any weird bad habits?
I’m a gymnast, and gymnasts get a lot of blisters and calluses on their hands. I pick at them when I get bored or nervous. I’ve gotten better though. xD

If you were in a zombie apocalypse and you could only bring 3 things with you, what would it be?
A gun, my phone (although it probably wouldn’t work if the world was being overtaken by zombies), and some Sour Patch Kids because I know I will die and therefore will want to eat some before that happen

Who on PMC inspires you?
I-idk... I aspire to improve and possibly be as good as some of the people I am subscribed to, but there are too many to list here.

With the experience you have on PMC, why would you stay here and not on other skinning sites?
I feel welcomed here, and seeing all of the amazing skins motivates me to continue making my own skins.

Who do you think would survive a zombie apocalypse?
Definitely NOT me. Although I bet my brother could. He plays too many video games. xD

Why did you start skinning?
Once again, my sister began making skins before me. I followed in her footsteps and ultimately developed a hobby that has stuck with me for almost 3 years.

From one to ten how good do you think you are at skinning?
Uh, maybe a 3 or 4. I’m not loving my skins at the moment xD

What are your goals in the future on this site?
Not much, to be honest. Steadily continue to grow and just have fun with the experience.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’m not settled on any specific job, but something involving art or writing would be a dream.

Who stole your food last?
My sister! She stole a Cheeto puff from me! xD

Why do you still skin?
I find it fun. It’s basically like another form of art.

Which skin is your favorite?
My favorite skin that I’ve made is probably my “Lazy Day” one. It’s my current Minecraft skin xD

If you were trapped in a room with nothing for 24 hours, and you could pick who would be with you, who would that person be and why?
Me, myself, and I because I have no friends and being stuck in a room with my parents, sister, or brother would be pure torture. :’-)

There's the interview!!!
I hoped you learned more about Inspirinq today. if you haven't yet, go subscribe to the bootiful her.
I hope you have a lovley Day/Night!!

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08/06/2018 10:07 am
Level 45 : Master Witch
Caromid's Avatar
this looks soo fun! ;D
07/28/2018 7:31 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
morningblues's Avatar
Thanks for interviewing me! It was really fun <33
07/27/2018 2:49 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
ChatieTheDragon's Avatar
Interviews are always so much fun to read! You asked some really great questions, and it was cool to see Inspirinq’s answers!
07/27/2018 12:11 pm
Level 42 : Master Goblin
Space_uwu's Avatar
This was really cool, also I would subscribe to her again, but sadly I can only once!! XD
I like the questions you asked her, and how random they are, it's fun seeing what they would say!! :D

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