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The Giver (Creepypasta)

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The_Fluffybom's Avatar The_Fluffybom
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
The Giver

Real name: Amber Rose

Creepypasta name: The Giver

Saying/catchphrase: Smile, It's a gift.

Appearance: Brown breast length hair, pale skin, left eye is blind and white with a huge gash accross it, carved smile (one side stitched up), usually wears a pink fluffy jumper with black leggings or a black dress with a red poncho, dark blue eyes and has loads of cuts on her arm
Spoiler - Drawing

What she does: She stalks depressed people and follows them into their house and goes into her victims bathroom (or any room with a mirror) and cuts herself with her knife and writes: "Smile, it's a gift" in blood on the mirror and watches and waits for her victim to see it and if they smile she will grab them and carve a smile into their cheeks/mouth and if they dont take notice and frown or are scared, she will calmly show herself and smile at her victim for a second chance but if they are still scared and/or cry she will either kill them or if they are kids/teens she will carve a smile into their faces and continue haunting them.

Story: When Amber was younger, her mother always complained she frowned to much. Amber never smiled much, she only smiled when she laughed (which was rare) or if she forced a smile onto her face... BUT she did smile genuinley when someone got hurt, she wasnt a mean person, infact she was a very kind and shy girl but for some reason, people getting hurt made her smile.
One day when she was in the car with her mum and sister, she was staring out of the window when her mum asked if she was hungry and she didnt talk, she just looked at her mum and nodded or shook her head, this is when her mum shouted at her for being un-happy so she just blanked her mum out and waited for her to finish talking and looked out of the window again.
This got Amber thinking.. "What if i carved a smile into my face like Jeff the killer?" Amber was into creepypasta at the time and always wished they were real. She thought about it but then decided she better not because it would hurt and she wouldnt know what her parents would think.
From that day, every day she would mimik carving a smile into her face, but she knew it would never happen.
Then a thought popped into her head: "I'll only live once... i will do it some day!"
Then she started talking to herself on the bus, no one noticed but she didnt care if they did.
So Amber just went to highschool like a normal kid and had a pretty normal childhood...

A few years later when Amber was 17, she went out with her boyfriend, Liu and had dinner at Frankie and Benny's and when they had finished, they paid and went back to Liu's apartment. When they sat down on the couch, Liu said: "You didnt look happy in Frankie 'n' Benny's, are you ok?"
"YES, YES I AM!" Amber shouted. Amber gasped and covered her mouth. "im so sorry!"
"its fine Amb" Liu looked down at Amber's hand and saw that they were shaking. "are you sure you're ok?"
Amber puts her hands behind her back "oh yeah.." Amber smiles.
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" Amber had a funny feeling inside her, it was like butterflies but she wasnt nervous or scared about anything. She walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet (with the lid down of course) and sat staring at herself in the mirror, she swore she saw a white-hooded figure flash past the door, thats when Amber became nervous, she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, she started twitching, she held her hand tight and walked back to the bathroom she felt someone grab her so she turned so fast that she couldnt see what she was doing and she scraped her eye on a sharp peice of  metal sticking out on the towel rack and she screamed out in pain, she had a massive gash across her eye and she was blinded on her left eye, it turns out no one was there but Liu and he was listening to music and he didnt hear the scream.
Amber continued and decided her eye didnt hurt..
She got the knife, put it inside her mouth and slid the knife all the way up to the edge of her jaw, a small tear escaped from her eye but she didnt flinch one bit.
Liu heard a sound that wasnt Amber, it sounded like a window smashing, THEY WERE BEING ROBBED!
Amber reacted quickly to this sound and hurried the last stroke of her knife and she rushed to the lounge where the sound came from and she saw the person breaking in, she pulled the man up and he stared with fear at Amber and tried to sneak something, Amber let him steal the house keys and just as the burgler was about to exit, Amber stabbed the man two times in the chest while laughing and grinning menacingly they man died and Liu stared at Amber with no hate, no fear and he wasnt shocked either...

This is when Liu noticed what Amber had done to her face
"Liu why so glum?"
"your face... maybe i should take u to hospital?"
"No Liu, its fine, i'll do it"
Liu watched in amazement at Amber's sewing skills
"doesnt that hurt?"
"doesnt everything?" Amber replied sharply
"meh" Liu mumbled
1 BORING hour later...
"done :D"
Liu was frowning at Amber and they looked tired.
"Smile, it's a gift" Amber said cheerfully
Liu perked up almost instantly
Outside, the police were surrounding the building, the 2 teens acted normal but there was one problem...
"AHH SHI*T, THE BODY!" shouted Liu
Amber walks over to the body and picks it up
"I'll handle this"
Liu looks at Amber like : O.O
A few minutes later Amber returned covered in blood with 2 police officers follwing behind.
Amber winks at Liu.
"huh" Liu says
"dont worry kids, we just need to make sure you're safe, has any of you been hurt?" One of the police officers say in a strong yorkshire accent.
Amber nods and lifts up her Jumper, she had a HUGE gash on her chest.
"That man attacked me, i tried to fight back but.."
"alright, since the man is dead..."
The police man noticed a knife in Amber's hand, Liu started shaking his head at Amber and told her to look at his hand.
"OI!" the police men shouted
The 2 teens ran through the police men and down the stairs, there was no time for taking the lift.
They reached the bottom of the stairs and saw that there were loads of police so they slowed down and acted normal and slowly exited, then they all heard a shout "HEY GET BACK HERE" suddenly all the police were after them they had no exit but one, a small window in the locker rooms, they smashed trhough the window and ran as fast as they could to the town center.
They got on a double decker bus and rode it back to Amber's parents house, her parents were in the back garden with the dogs so they snook in through the front door and hid in Amber's room.
They heard a thump, it was Amber's mother coming inside the house.
"Amber?? is that you?"
"oh er YES MUM!"
"ok im just coming up to check on you!"
"get out, sit on my bed, act normal AHHH do anything!"
Amber and Liu sat on the bed and tried to be calm.
"you look a little red Liu, are you ok?" Amber's mum said
"oh yeah im fine"
Amber's mum looks at Amber in discust.
"whats wrong with her?" said Liu
"you... you.. have a smile carved into... your face!" 
"shh.." Liu said
"I'm happy, mum" Amber smiled at her mother
Amber started laughing, then Liu... then they all heard sirens.
Amber's mum frowned in discust
"why so glum, mum?"
Amber slowly walked up to her mum and grabbed her from behind
"stay still..." Amber whispered
Amber carved a smile into her mother's face and laughed even more, she then lit her mother's bedroom on fire and poured bleach and acid in their water tank then wrote: "Smile, it's a gift" on the mirror in her own blood.
The 2 teens jumped out of Amber's window and ran into the forest where the bike track was, they heard the police getting closer and closer, as the sirens got louder, they ran faster, they ran through the field of wheat and ended up on the main road, they ran to the nearest bus stop and caught the bus into town, everyone stared at Amber but they just ignored them and carried on running.
"where do your parents live Liu?"
"follow me and dont get behind"
Amber ran as fast as she could to keep up with Liu.
Just as they peeked round the corner of the street, they saw that police were surrounding where Liu's father lived.
"shi*t" Liu exclaimed
"NOW WHERE?" Liu shouted
"SHHH" Said Amber covering up Liu's mouth
"wait, i think i know a place, follow me" Amber whispered
Liu was lead to an Italian resteraunt 
"what are we doing here" said Liu
"oh i know where we are now" 
"yeah just follow and stop talking" whispered Amber
"why are we whispering??" whispered Liu
"shh, just incase" whispered Amber "just follow me"
So the 2 teenagers walked into the resteraunt an Amber gave a nod to the waiter and walked to the staff toilets.
"why the f*ck are we in the toilets* Liu said
"ugh just keep following" Amber said inpatiently
Amber and Liu sneaked out of an emergency exit in the toilets and walked to the house directly infront of it, it was the waiter's house.
"we will have to stay here for now" Said Amber
*sigh* The 2 sat down on the couch and relaxed. Then Amber got an urge to hurt, she calmly walked outside and saw that a neighbour was having a bbq and noticed a particular boy, he was sat hunched on a chair frowning, very deppressed.
Then the boy got up, walked to the car and got in and sat for a bit. Amber watched the boy and where he was going and she followed, the boy didnt drive far and Amber could keep up, she followed him to his house and broke in through an open window, she walked to his bathroom and cut her arm and wrote: "smile, it's a gift" in blood on his mirror and waited for the boy to walk in,she didnt have to wait long, in about 10 seconds after she wrote it he entered and he just stared at the mirror and he smiled for a short period of time and then frowned again, Amber sighed and showed herself, she quickly grabbed the boy and carved a smile into his face and left.

THE END.... 
or was it?

Psst, were u smart enough to figure out why Amber is nicknamed: The Giver? :P


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01/06/2015 3:16 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
_RozeRoo_'s Avatar
wow that was awesome amber :O
12/30/2014 8:13 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
spongedog10's Avatar
First of all, WHERE DID JEFF COME FROM?!?!?!? And also in your next one tell us why she does it to other people
12/31/2014 3:07 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
The_Fluffybom's Avatar
XD well Jeff came Liu's bedroom and like i said, its still WIP :P
12/31/2014 2:46 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
spongedog10's Avatar
Well, as a seggestion, take out jeff.
01/01/2015 12:32 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
The_Fluffybom's Avatar
Yeah i was thinking that :P anyway DONE
01/01/2015 1:20 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
spongedog10's Avatar
I'm sorry to say, but i rate this a 0.5/10. and you gave here the name the giver because she gives people smiles
01/01/2015 3:21 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
The_Fluffybom's Avatar
Wrong, she is called the giver because she gives the gift of happyness (not) XD and it's my first creepypasta and im guessing you are much older than me anyway ._.
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